BuckeyeNext is a program available to Ohio 4-H members that can be utilized in a variety of ways.
One way is to provide a location for 4-H members to track their involvement through 4-H, including what projects they take, officer positions held, awards received, teen leadership roles, and other activities they are involved in. They can then pull up a summary of their information which can be used to help complete applications, scholarship, Achievement Awards Forms, job applications, etc. It serves as an electronic portfolio that members can easily update and pull information from as they need it.
Members can also complete learning modules that focus on industry-accepted credentials and gain knowledge in occupational competencies. Members can earn points for completing various modules and activities with a focus on career-ready competencies to help youth with a successful transition into “what’s next” after they complete 4-H and high school.
You can learn more about the app by visiting: http://go.osu.edu/buckeyenext
If you have questions, please reach out to Margo Overholt-Seckel at overholt-seckel.1@osu.edu.