2023 Turkey Pool Order Form

The order form for the 2023 Hartford Fair Junior Market Turkey Pool is now available here. Forms with payment must be mailed or delivered to the Licking County Extension Office by 4:00pm on Friday, March 3, 2023. ALL meat turkey projects will come from the Hartford Fair meat turkey pool. If you intend to show meat turkeys at the fair in 2023, you must submit an order by the deadline to be eligible. Please read through all the details on the order form.

2023 Advisor Applications Due Soon

If you are interested in becoming a Licking County 4-H advisor for 2023, you can find the application HERE. Completed applications are due to the Licking County Extension Office by February 1, 2023. Applications can also be emailed to Lisa McCutcheon at mccutcheon.46@osu.edu. If you are interested in starting a new club, please turn your advisor application in as soon as possible so we can get that process started as well.

2023 Ohio 4-H Virtual Club Officer Training

Ohio 4-H is hosting a virtual 4-H Club Officer Training On Monday, February 27, 2023 from 7:00-8:30pm. This is a great opportunity to learn more about holding a 4-H club office. There will also be a session for 4-H Club Advisors! Register online by Friday, February 24, 2023 by visiting http://go.osu.edu/officer. Once you register, an email confirmation with the Zoom link will be sent to the email address with which you registered.

2023 Licking County 4-H Calendar

The 2023 Licking County 4-H Calendar is now available. You can access it on our 4-H Calendar page HERE.

We will continue to add events as they are scheduled. To make sure you’re looking at the most recent calendar update, check the bottom, right-hand corner of the calendar. The date it was updated will be listed there.

4-H Forestry Wildlife Conservation Camp

The Ohio 4-H Forestry Wildlife Conservation Camp is a fun-filled weekend learning experiences for campers in grades 7-11. The camp is held at Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp located just outside of Jackson, Ohio. This camp offers opportunities for campers to meet and learn from Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Hocking College and OSU Extension professionals.

Campers participate in hands on educational sessions on invasive species, wildlife and tree I.D., tree climbing, operating a portable wood mill, outdoor survival, hunting & trapping and much more! Campers will also have time for fun traditional camping activities such as crafts, boating, fishing, hiking and campfire. All activities are conducted under the direct supervision of our trained counselors and 4-H staff. To register please visit: https://ohio4h.org/camp/forestry-and-wildlife-conservation-camp. Registration deadline is April 1, 2023, however, space is limited and in the past, the camp has filled within a matter of days, so please don’t wait to register. Cost is $110 to attend. There are a limited number of $60 scholarships available if needed. Scholarship deadline is March 1, 2023.

4-H Shooting Sports Instructor Training

The winter workshop for Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports Instructor Training will take place February 24-26, 2023 at 4-H Camp Ohio. Any 4-H advisor who would like to become certified in a new discipline or re-certify in a discipline they have been teaching, if it’s been over 7 years since their last certification, should register. Space is limited, especially if you are interested in being certified in shotgun so please register right away! Registration deadline is January 22, 2023. To register, please visit: www.go.osu.edu/23winterssworkshop

Cost is $110.00. Payment: Is due at the time of registration. Payments can be made online with a Credit/Debit Card preferred method or by mailing a check to the Ohio 4-H Center address provide in registration process. Checks must be received by January 23, 2023. Space is not confirmed until payment is received.

Please be sure to complete the health form survey that will be sent to you upon the completion of the registration survey. You may also be asked to complete the National 4-H Shooting Sport online eLearning modules if you have not already completed them.

National 4-H Shooting Sports Quiz Bowl

Mark your calendars! The National 4-H Shooting Sports Annual Quiz Bowl is just around the corner.

Teams consist of 3 or 4 members, with the highest three scores counting as the Team Score. Team members will automatically be re registered in the Individual Competition as well as the Team Competition. Quiz Can be taken anytime between January 16 and January 20, 2023. Scores will be based on the number of correct answers and the amount of time it takes to complete the quiz.

Use this link to register: https://4-hshootingsports.org/quiz-bowl-study-materials/