Workdays at the Hartford Fair

Several Hartford Fair departments have upcoming workdays to help get the barns ready for fair week. Please review the departments and days below and see if you can come lend a hand!


A Sheep Barn work night has been scheduled for Wednesday, July 27th at 6:00 p.m. We will meet in the Sheep Barn to work on preparations for the Hartford Fair. Projects include painting the wash rack, installing new pens, and general clean-up of the barn areas. This is quite a bit of work, and much help will be needed!

Items to bring: shovels, rakes  –  and be sure to wear old clothes! There are jobs for all ages and abilities!

We hope that you will mark your calendar and plan to join us! This is a great way to meet others within the Sheep Department, visit with Sheep Improvement Association members, Senior Fair Board members, and get information about happenings at the fair.


A Hog Barn work day has been schedule for Sunday, July 31st at 9:00 a.m. We will meet in the Hog Barn to work on preparations for the Hartford Fair. Bring your brooms, rakes, shovels, leaf blowers, drills, etc. and be sure to wear old clothes!

We hope that you will mark your calendar and plan to join us! This is a great way to meet others within the Swine Department, visit with Senior Fair Board members, and get information about happenings at the fair.