Hartford Fair Livestock Sale Update


Junior Fair Livestock Sales will be held on their traditional day, and at their traditional times. Hog Sale will begin on Thursday, August 13th at 11:30 a.m.. The Large Animal Sale (Dairy Feeder | Gallon of Milk | Steer Pool | Market Steer & Heifer | Market Lamb) will be held on Saturday, August 15th at 11:00 a.m. in Grubb Arena, and the Small Animal Sale (Rabbit | Goat | Poultry) will begin on Saturday, August 15th at 12:00 p.m.


What will be most noticeably different is that the market animals will not be present in the sale ring. Rather, the member will be in the sale ring during the sale, and all market livestock will already have left the grounds. The member is welcome to hold their awards, a photo of their animal, or any other item to symbolize their project work.


Exhibitors will not be permitted to have physical contact with their buyers, for the safety of both parties, and are encouraged to present any items of appreciation following the fair. We would encourage members to remember that physical distancing will be important during the sale process. Asking that exhibitors not walk through the crowd to approach their buyer will cut down on a great deal of interactions, and help to ensure the well-being of all involved. Sale placards will be presented to buyers, with exhibitor / animal photos being taken at a designated place and time for each department.


The traditional sale placard, complete with photo of the exhibitor, will still be given to buyers. Exhibitor photos will be taken ahead of the sale, at times designated by the species. In some cases it may be while waiting in line to sell, in others the photo may be taken at weigh-in. Additional details will be coming soon!


When the member goes through the sale, the amount bid by the buyer is considered to be the premium – that’s not different from previous years, however… What will be different is that the buyer does not have the ability to purchase the animal, nor to send it to a processor for harvest. The animals will already have either gone home with the exhibitor, or been sent to the designated packer. Additional “bidders” will also have the ability to “add-on” to your premium (just as in years past). The total premium received for an exhibitor will be mailed to the exhibitor, in the form of a check, approximately 30 days following the fair. That check will come from the Fair Office.


All market animal exhibitors will have the option to take their animals home following exhibition this year – only in 2020! Once home, the member has the option to send the market animal to harvest, sell the animal, or retain that animal for future breeding purposes. Knowing that some members will not want to take their animals home, many departments will have the opportunity for the exhibitor to place their animal on a “packer” truck. In this case, the exhibitor is selling their animal at market price, with the price being offered to be determined much closer to the fair (or during the fair). This amount would be paid to each exhibitor, in addition to their premium from the sale. This packer option will be offered to all market species, other than rabbits and poultry. Should the exhibitor chose to sell their animal to the packer, they are still eligible to go through the sale and receive their respective premium.


Should you wish to sell your animal to the packer prior to leaving the fairgrounds, please know that you will need to complete an additional form. Details about this sale option will be explained during the respective barn meetings. It will be the exhibitor’s responsibility to complete the form, and have the animal at the designated collection point on time. Once the packer truck has collected animals from the grounds, the only option to exhibitors will be to take their animals home upon release from the grounds.


Sale checks will be mailed from the Fair Office 30 days following the sale, as we need to allow time for the buyers to make payment. Every effort will be made to send one check, combining both the premium and packer payment, in the case that the exhibitor consigned an animal to the packer. If not possible to combine, the exhibitor will simply receive two separate checks.