The order forms for the Hartford Independent Fair Junior Fair Chicken and Duck Pools are now available. Order forms are due to the Licking County Extension Office by 4:00pm on Friday, May 1st. Only checks or cash will be accepted. Checks should be made payable to OSU Extension.
REMINDER: ALL MEAT CHICKEN PROJECTS FOR THE HARTFORD FAIR WILL COME FROM THE CHICKEN POOL AND ALL MEAT DUCK PROJECTS WILL COME FROM THE DUCK POOL. If you plan to make entries into any meat chicken or meat duck classes, please be sure to have your order(s) turned in on time.
Chicken Pool – $32.00/set. Each set is 25 chicks. *To be eligible to place an order, the member must be enrolled in project #150CM Chicken, Market as a 4-H or FFA member.* Anticipated pickup is Thursday, June 18, 2020 between 5:30-7:30pm at the Hartford Fairgrounds. Email reminders will be sent to all members who order as to the exact pickup date and time once it is confirmed.
Duck Pool – $15.00/set. Each set is 5 ducklings. *To be eligible to place an order, the member must be enrolled in project #150DM Ducks, Market as a 4-H or FFA member.* Anticipated pickup is Thursday, June 11, 2020 between 5:30-7:30pm at the Hartford Fairgrounds. Email reminders will be sent to all members who order as to the exact pickup date and time once it is confirmed.