2019 National ID Information for Goats & Sheep

You may have heard some information about the 2019 Federal Scrapie Regulation Revision.  This revision means goats including slaughter goats and commercial goats that were previously exempted will need to be individually officially identified or group identified with a group lot ID with some exceptions.

Federal requirements:

  • Sexually intact goats of any age and wethers 18 months of age or older, that are not in slaughter channels must be officially individually identified before moving off the premises where they reside or move as a single flock–of–origin group with group/lot ID and an owner/hauler statement to:
  • another premise belonging to the same flock/herd,
  • to an in–state site to be officially identified, or to a federally approved livestock market (in–state or out–of–state) to be officially identified

Informational flyers can for goats and sheep.