Hollywood and the Asian American Imagination symposium

Symposium (hybrid): Hollywood and the Asian American Imagination
February 20 & 22 (Tuesday, Thursday): 12:00-4:15PM

Keynote lecture #1: “A Thousand Deaths”: Anna May Wong’s Death Acts
Yiman Wang, Professor of Film and Digital Media, University of California, Santa Cruz

Keynote lecture #2: “Cinematic Representations of East Asian Women”
Alexa Alice Joubin, Professor of English, Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Theatre, International Affairs, and East Asian Languages and Literatures, George Washington University

All keynote lectures and panels are in a hybrid format at the Humanities Commons, University of Richmond (in person) and on Zoom (virtual).

Symposium schedule: https://as.richmond.edu/tucker-boatwright/2023-2024/hollywood-asian-american-symposium.html

Register here for zoom link: https://urichmond.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_eLPPCsagRi2bVJ0_fc5bIg#/registration

Posted by: Jessica Chan <jchan@richmond.edu>

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