Applications are now invited for the following post:
Postdoctoral Fellow
The Advanced Institute for Global Chinese Studies
Lingnan University, HK
The Advanced Institute for Global Chinese Studies (The Institute) now invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship in premodern Chinese literature.
The appointee’s job duties include publishing research output in venues of international standing, applying for external grants, assisting with the Institute’s projects on Chinese poetry and literary theory, and assuming teaching duties as required by the University. The appointee will have the opportunities to co-publish research articles with the Director. Abilities to apply digital humanities methods to literary studies will be a strong plus. The appointee will be provided funding for organizing up to two academic workshops on topics related to his/her research projects or co-organizing one international symposium.
General Requirements
Applicants should have a PhD in premodern Chinese literature or related fields. Applicants must be a good native or near-native writer of English, capable of translating classical Chinese literary texts.
Applicants should provide information about their qualifications, research interests and achievements along with evidence of quality teaching. Experiences with grant-funded research and grant applications are highly desirable. Candidates with less/more experience will also be considered for appointment at a relevant rank. Continue reading Lingnan postdoc