UNC MA program

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Asian and Middle Eastern Studies M.A. Program Accepting Applications


Priority Application deadline is December 10, 2024
Final Application deadline is May 13, 2025

The M.A. in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies is a two-year, interdisciplinary humanities degree that prepares students to engage with the social, environmental, and political challenges facing countries in Asia and the Middle East, and their transnational communities. Students can choose between two tracks: the interdisciplinary track and the Chinese track. This degree will provide students with deep cultural knowledge of Asia and the Middle East while training them in the intellectual flexibility necessary to grasp and work with complex and dynamic issues as they arise. By applying humanist approaches to real world problems, students will learn to evaluate research and apply analytical methodologies from various disciplines to specific situations and questions. This intellectual flexibility, the hallmark of humanist approaches attuned to change and contingency, is foundational to the type of leadership necessary for an interconnected world.

Posted by: Robin Visser <rvisser@email.unc.edu>

Georgia Tech MS in Global Media and Cultures

Dear Colleagues,

Georgia Institute of Technology invites applicants to an exciting master’s degree program in cultural studies, media studies, intercultural communication, and language acquisition, our M.S. in Global Media and Cultures. Please find descriptions of the programs below. For further information, please see the websites below or e-mail grad@modlangs.gatech.edu. Thank you for sharing with interested students and colleagues!


Paul Foster

M.S. in Global Media and Cultures

The Master of Science in Global Media and Cultures is a joint program between the School of Literature, Media, and Communication and the School of Modern Languages at Georgia Tech. This unique humanities program merges curricular offerings from both Schools and gives students the opportunity to engage in advanced research and training that combines cross-cultural competence, language acquisition, and media and communications expertise with global and cultural research.

Our 30-credit hour program combines a strong foundation in media and cultural studies with advanced training in a critical global language. Through graduate assistantships, internships, a final project, and a career portfolio, students can customize their experience to their own career goals.  Students can choose one out of seven possible language concentrations including Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Spanish. GRE is not required. The application deadline is February 18, 2025.

Website: https://gmc.iac.gatech.edu

UNC MA in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

The M.A. in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at UNC-Chapel Hill is a two-year, interdisciplinary humanities degree that prepares students to engage with the social, environmental, and political challenges facing countries in Asia and the Middle East, and their transnational communities. Students can choose between two tracks: the interdisciplinary track or the Chinese track. This degree will provide students with deep cultural knowledge of Asia and the Middle East while training them in the intellectual flexibility necessary to grasp and work with complex and dynamic issues as they arise. By applying humanist approaches to real world problems, students will learn to evaluate research and apply analytical methodologies from various disciplines to specific situations and questions. This intellectual flexibility, the hallmark of humanist approaches attuned to change and contingency, is foundational to the type of leadership necessary for an interconnected world. Deadline: May 14, 2024


Robin Visser <rvisser@email.unc.edu>

HK Baptist doctoral fellowships

2024/25 Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme
Department of Chinese Language and Literature
Hong Kong Baptist University


The Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Hong Kong Baptist University is a great place to pursue PhD studies for various reasons.

Our staff have received their qualifications and previously worked in various prestigious academic institutions in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, USA, UK, Germany and others.

Their research expertise covers areas as diverse as poetics and literary theory, canonical studies and commentaries, Sino-Korean cross-cultural studies, intellectual history, linguistics, pre-classical inscriptions, paleography, excavated  manuscripts, as well as modern and contemporary Chinese literature and culture.

The department is associated with a number of noted institutions such as the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology (JAS), the Sino- Humanitas Institute (SHI), and the Centre for Chinese Cultural Heritage (CCH). Among the most recent academic exchange partners of our department are Waseda University, National University of Singapore, Yonsei University, Heidelberg University and others. Continue reading HK Baptist doctoral fellowships

Tsinghua postdocs

Call for Applications (post-doctoral fellowship positions)
TIAS Society of Fellows (a special Shuimu Tsinghua Scholar Program)

Tsinghua Institute for Advanced Study in Humanities and Social Sciences (TIAS) hosts the TIAS Society of Fellows, a postdoctoral program at Tsinghua University, China. Incorporated with the high-profile “Shuimu Tsinghua Scholar Program,” this program aims to attract exceptional and creative early-career scholars in Humanities, and Social Sciences. Fellows are appointed for two-year terms to conduct full-time research at TIAS.

The TIAS post-doctoral fellows are joined by TIAS faculty members who take part in the Society as faculty fellows.  Seminars, reading groups, workshops, and lectures will be organized regularly for formal and informal discussions. TIAS supports interdisciplinary research in humanities and social sciences. Fellows in the Society engage in innovative and productive research and contribute to intellectual exchange within the university community and beyond.

TIAS recruits its post-doctoral Fellows globally and especially encourages applications from developing countries or underrepresented groups. Every year, about ten fellows are welcomed. Those recruited in winter 2022 are expected to join TIAS in the fall semester, 2023. All selections are based on both external and internal reviews. Continue reading Tsinghua postdocs

Georgia Tech MS in Global Media and Cultures

The Georgia Institute of Technology is calling for graduate applications for the 1-year M.S. in Global Media and Cultures (MS-GMC). Launched in 2019, MS-GMC is a joined degree by the School of Modern Languages and the School of Literature, Media, and Communication. As the first advanced degree in foreign languages and cultural studies in the United States explicitly designed for industry careers, MS-GMC builds on Georgia Tech’s cutting-edge programs in foreign language and media education. It prepares students to work effectively in contexts ranging from non-profit, business, engineering, public policy, and medicine. You can read about our program on NY Times Opinion.

MS-GMC takes three semesters (Fall, Spring, and Summer) to complete. Students take 30 credit hours of coursework, have a concentration in one of the available languages, defend a professional portfolio, and complete a final project.

The program is currently offered in six different language concentrations: Chinese, Japanese, French, German, Russian, and Spanish.

To apply (https://grad.modlangs.gatech.edu/apply): Continue reading Georgia Tech MS in Global Media and Cultures

HKBU Phd fellowship scheme 2023-24

HK PHD Fellowship Scheme 2023-24
Hong Kong Baptist University
Department of Chinese Language and Literature


The Department of Chinese Languageand Literature at Hong Kong BaptistUniversity is a great place to pursue PhD studies for various reasons.

Our staff have received their qualifications and previously worked in various prestigious academic institutions in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, USA, UK, Germany and others.

Their research expertise covers areas as diverse as poetics and literary theory, canonical studies and commentaries, Sino-Korean cross-cultural studies, intellectual history, linguistics, pre-classical inscriptions, paleography, excavated manuscripts, as well as modern and contemporary Chinese literature and culture.

The department is associated with a number of noted institutions such as the Jao Tsung- I Academy of Sinology (JAS), the Sino-Humanitas Institute (SHI), and the Centre for Chinese CulturalHeritage (CCH). Among the most recent academic exchange partners of our department are Waseda University, National University of Singapore, Yonsei University, Heidelberg University and others. Continue reading HKBU Phd fellowship scheme 2023-24

Literary Translation Summer School 2022

Bristol Translates – Literary Translation Summer School, 4-8 July 2022 (online). Chinese-to-English workshop available, tutors: Nicky Harman and Jack Hargreaves. Aimed at practising translators at any stage of their career, Bristol Translates offers the opportunity to work with leading professional translators to translate texts across the literary genres into English. 2022 summer school takes place entirely online, in groups limited to a maximum of 12 students. Early bird option ends 31st March. Apply here: https://www.bristol.ac.uk/sml/translation-studies/bristol-translates/

Nicky Harman <n.harmanic@gmail.com>

UNC MA Program info session (corrected date and time)

UNC warmly invites all prospective  students to a virtual open house for those considering applying to our MA program in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Interdisciplinary and Chinese track): https://asianstudies.unc.edu/ma-program/

Topic: UNC-Chapel Hill MA Grad program open house
Time: Dec 1, 2021 05:00-06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 969 6835 6729

There is no need to register. At this meeting you’ll meet a few faculty and staff in the department, learn about the program, and have a chance to ask questions.

Posted by: Robin Visser rvisser@email.unc.edu

UNC MA Program Info Session

Please join us Nov 17 at 3 pm EST for an online information session about the M.A. program (Chinese track and Interdisciplinary track) at UNC-Chapel Hill.

UNC is currently accepting applications for the M.A. in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies is a two-year, interdisciplinary humanities degree that prepares students to engage with the social, environmental, and political challenges facing countries in Asia and the Middle East and their transnational communities. Students can choose between two tracks: the interdisciplinary track and the Chinese track. For more information see https://asianstudies.unc.edu/ma-program/

Topic: UNC-Chapel Hill MA Graduate program information session
Time: Nov 17, 2021 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 952 3770 3299
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,95237703299# US (Chicago)
+19294362866,,95237703299# US (New York) Continue reading UNC MA Program Info Session

Master of Cross Cultural Relations Program

Considering a career in international cultural development? The School of Humanities and Communication Arts at Western Sydney University, in collaboration with the Australia-China Institute for Arts and Culture (ACIAC), is offering a stimulating and rigorous degree to meet the needs of cultural institutions, creative industries and government departments in their increasing international engagement. The program also has an efficient pathway for PhD, which prepares students for an academic career in cross-cultural studies.

Please click on this link to access more information:


Posted by: Sree Chandra <s.chandra@westernsydney.edu.au>

MA in Global Media and Cultures

We are beginning recruitment for our 12-Month Master’s in Global Media and Cultures, Chinese. If appropriate, I wonder if you could post the following info about our program in advance of our informational webinar for Chinese on November 19, 1-2pm? I’m hoping that our colleagues might share this announcement with their students:

The application process for the two 12-month Master of Science degrees. of the School of Modern Languages at Georgia Tech has officially started! The M.S. in Global Media and Cultures. and M.S. in Applied Language and Intercultural Studies. are nationally unique degrees in language and media. For students with intermediate/advanced proficiency in Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian, or Spanish, they offer personalized preparation for a variety of paths in media, international work, and the private sector.

Please join our Chinese Info Webinar (link) Friday Nov. 19, 1-2 pm – https://bluejeans.com/479975429/8464 . You can also read about our program on NY Times Opinion.

  • Chinese Info Webinar (link) Friday Nov. 19, 1-2 pm  https://bluejeans.com/479975429/8464
  • Priority Deadline: January 15, 2022  
  •  Final Deadline: February 15, 2022
  • Open to anyone with intermediate/advanced language ability in the focus language. No GRE Required.

HKBU PhD fellowships

2022/23 Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme
Department of Chinese Language and Literature

The Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Hong Kong Baptist University is a great place to pursue PhD studies for various reasons.

Our staff have received their qualifications and previously worked in various prestigious academic institutions in Hong Kong. Mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, USA, UK, Germany and others.

Their research expertise covers areas as diverse as poetics and literary theory, canonical studies and commentaries, Sino-Korean cross-cultural studies, pre-classical inscriptions, paleography, excavated  manuscripts, as well as modern and contemporary Chinese literature and culture.

The department is associated with a number of noted institutions such as the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology (JAS), the Sino- Humanitas Institute (SHI), and the Centre for Chinese Cultural Heritage (CCH). Among the most recent academic exchange partners of our department are Waseda University, National University of Singapore, Yonsei University, Heidelberg University and others. Continue reading HKBU PhD fellowships

U of Kansas MA program


The East Asian Languages and Cultures Department at the University of Kansas (KU) is accepting applications for its Spring 2022 and Fall 2022 Master’s degree program!


Fall priority—February 1*
Fall final—May 1
Spring final—December 1

*If you want to be considered for FLAS and university scholarships/fellowships, you need to submit all application materials for Fall matriculation by December 1.

Why Do an MA in Our Program?

The M.A. in EALC program gives you the best training in three of the world’s most commonly spoken languages. We have an expert faculty who can give you the best guidance possible, and we link with other departments at KU to provide you with opportunities in many fields.

The University of Kansas is an awardee of the Department of Education’s Title VI grant to support students’ language acquisition and tuition waiver through Foreign Language Acquisition Scholarships (FLAS). There is possible financial support not only in FLAS but as a GTA for courses in EALC. Continue reading U of Kansas MA program