Bamboo and Silk 5.1

Dear friends,

We are happy to announce the publication of Bamboo and Silk 5.1, a special issue devoted to the Liye Qin manuscripts. It includes contributions by Robin Yates, Miyake Kiyoshi, Yang Zhenhong, Tsuchiguchi Fuminori, and a book review by Yuri Pines. Please find the articles online at the following address:


The Fate of the Defeated: Qin’s Treatment of Their Enemies  1
Robin D.S. Yates(葉山)

From the End of Conquest to the Beginning of Occupation: The Withdrawal of the Qin Army from Qianling Prefecture  73
Miyake Kiyoshi(宮宅潔)

The Statute Regarding the Remarriage of Women in The Qin Bamboo Slips in the Collection of Yuelu Academy (Vol. 5) and the Scandal of Lao’ai  106
Yang Zhenhong(楊振紅)

A Preliminary Study of “Other Post Slips” from Liye Site J1  132
Tsuchiguchi Fuminori(土口史記)

Book Review:

Zhanguo Chu zhushu shixue jiazhi tanyan 戰國楚竹書史學價值探研 (Studies on the Historiographic Value of the Warring States period Bamboo Manuscripts from Chu) written by Yang Bo 楊博  159
Yuri Pines(尤鋭)

The journal welcomes original contributions on early Chinese manuscripts, for submissions, please refer to the online submission system available at: For queries, feel free to contact Rens Krijgsman at

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