Precious Scroll of the Rat Epidemic

I did a translation of the Shuwen baojuan 鼠瘟宝卷 from 1910, in which the author comments on the plague epidemics of 1896/1897 and of 1910/1911. It was published in Sino-Platonic Papers 313 as the Precious Scroll of the Rat Epidemic, so it is freely available online. It may not be a great work of literature, but Chinese writings on epidemics are rare, and this text is interesting in combining a traditional description of the epidemics as divine punishment for the sins of humankind with more modern ideas on the cause and spread of the plague, which may have been picked up at an exhibition of public health posters. The text is also interesting in describing the reactions of the population at large to the disease, which in many ways resembles that of people these days. The translation comes with a short introduction.

I hope that some colleagues who want to pay attention to epidemics in their teaching might find the translation of some relevance.

Wilt Idema

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