Dairy Feeder Weigh-In, Clinic, and Show

Dairy Feeder Calf weigh in will take place on Saturday, June 4, 2022 from 9:00am to noon at the Hartford Fairgrounds at the west end of Grubb Arena. All dairy feeder calves must be weighed, tagged and vaccinated during this time. The fee is $10/animal and all animals must be dehorned/castrated prior to June 4th in order to be tagged.

A Clinic on grooming, calf care, and showmanship will be held from 11:30am to 12:30pm. This session will be especially helpful to those who are new to raising and showing dairy feeder calves, but all are welcome. After the clinic, a show will be held starting at 1:30pm. See details below or download the flyer HERE. There is also a helpful tip sheet with reminders to help prepare for the show and things to remember during and after the show as well.

Food will be available from the Licking County 4-H Committee Concession Stand.

REMINDER: 2022 Market Steer/Heifer Weigh In

Market Steer/Heifer weigh in for the 2022 Hartford Fair will take place on Saturday, December 11, 2021 from 8:00 – 11:00am at the west end of Grubb Arena at the Hartford Fairgrounds. Please complete the following registration by 1:00pm on Friday, December 10, 2021 for EACH animal that you plan to tag and weigh in: go.osu.edu/2022HartfordWeighInRegistraion. Full instructions as well as DNA/identification instructions for those planing to show at the Ohio State Fair can be found here.

2022 Market Steer/Heifer Weigh-In

Market Steer/Heifer weigh in for the 2022 Hartford Fair will take place on Saturday, December 11, 2021 from 8:00 – 11:00am at the west end of Grubb Arena at the Hartford Fairgrounds. Please complete the following registration by 1:00pm on Friday, December 10, 2021 for EACH animal that you plan to tag and weigh in: go.osu.edu/2022HartfordWeighInRegistraion. Full instructions as well as DNA/identification instructions for those planing to show at the Ohio State Fair can be found here.

REMINDER: Dairy Feeder Weigh-In

Dairy Feeder weigh-in will take place on Saturday, June 5, 2021 from 9:00am to noon at the Hartford Fairgrounds at the west end of Grubb Arena. The cost is $10 per animal and includes tagging and vaccinations. Please enter through Gate D and then drive straight through the Hondros Family Beef Barn. You will then unload in front of Grubb arena to be weighed, tagged, and vaccinated. You will then reload your animal(s) and proceed out Gate C. Please note: all calves must be dehorned / castrated prior to June 5th in order to be tagged.

Updated 2021 Hartford Fair Market Steer/Heifer Weigh-In Information

In an effort to reduce points of contact on Saturday, December 12th, during the Hartford Fair Market Steer / Heifer Weigh-in, all exhibitors are asked to complete a pre-registration form (in place of the traditional registration card) for each animal. Exhibitors are asked to complete this online registration by no later than 1:00 p.m. on Friday, December 11th, so that the information can be printed and available to staff during weigh-in for record keeping purposes. The pre-registration form can be found online at www.go.osu.edu/HartfordMarketBeefRegistration. Please ensure that all information is accurate, and complete, prior to submission.

SPECIAL NOTE: When attending weigh-in, only one person may accompany animals through chute area (exhibitor attendance is not required), and masks must be worn at all times. Cost to purchase EID Tag is $5.00, with exact change expected. Please remain in your truck when not participating in weigh-in procedures. Persons who are ill, have someone ill within their household, or who are in quarantine / isolation are reminded to stay home.

Additional Information:

2021 Hartford Fair and Ohio State Fair Market Steer/Heifer Instructions

2020 Ohio State Fair Market Steer/Heifer Identification/DNA Guidelines


REMINDER: Market Steer & Heifer Weigh-in is December 12th

If you’re planning to show a 4-H / FFA MARKET STEER or HEIFER during the 2021 Hartford Fair, please make note of the following UPDATED details regarding weigh-in on Saturday, DECEMBER 12, 2020 from 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. You’ll also see that information is listed for those youth who are planning to show at the Ohio State Fair. Please plan accordingly!
PLEASE NOTE: Weigh-In will be held in DECEMBER, rather than our tradition of January, in hopes of avoiding the inclement weather that we have encountered in recent years. All the information you need can be found here.
Please pay special attention to the tagging information section. The Hartford Fair will be using Electronic Identification (EID) tags in 2021. Information on EID tags can be found in the document here.

IMPORTANT: Market Steer and Heifer Updates for 2021

If you’re planning to show a 4-H / FFA MARKET STEER or HEIFER during the 2021 Hartford Fair, please make note of the following UPDATED details regarding weigh-in on Saturday, DECEMBER 12, 2020 from 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. You’ll also see that information is listed for those youth who are planning to show at the Ohio State Fair. Please plan accordingly!
PLEASE NOTE: Weigh-In will be held in DECEMBER, rather than our tradition of January, in hopes of avoiding the inclement weather that we have encountered in recent years. All the information you need can be found below or a printable version can be found here.
Please pay special attention to the tagging information section. The Hartford Fair will be using Electronic Identification (EID) tags in 2021. Information on EID tags can be found in the document here.


August 3rd Hartford Fair Update

The following information was sent to all families on August 3, 2020…

Let me begin with THANK YOU! Thank you for your patience, thank you for your grace, as we have moved through the planning process for the 2020 Hartford Fair! The Hartford Fair is blessed with families who value kindness and understanding, and we have really cashed in on those traits in 2020! Although this year has brought us much uncertainty, we continue to move forward, work within the guidelines, and provide the best opportunities possible to our Junior Fair youth (and their families)! Let’s not forget how very fortunate we are to call the Hartford Fair “our” fair!

Although I certainly can’t promise that there will be no additional changes after this update reaches your email inbox, I still want to share with you what I do know at this moment – in hopes that it will be of assistance to many of you! I ask that you read through the details carefully, and maybe review a second time, before you begin to reach out with additional questions. There is still much to be done, and we are working as quickly as we can to ensure that all is ready as your family arrives to the fairgrounds over the next week or so.

As we model for our children, let us stay positive and know that everyone is doing their best, always assume the best intentions, and give everyone an extra amount of grace as we move throughout the next two weeks. This spring and summer have not been easy for most of us, but the Hartford Fair has a great amount of normalcy to offer – if we look for it! Regardless of the facial coverings and social distancing, we’ll still be together with our fair friends, enjoying the opportunity to watch our youth exhibit, eating some fabulous fair foods, and making wonderful memories…. We have much for which to be grateful!

  • What I’m asking of you…
    • Wear your mask / facial covering (if you are medically able to do so).
      • No, it’s not always comfortable, but it surely beats the alternative of not being able to see our youth show at the fair…
      • If you aren’t wearing a facial covering, please step away from the barns, show arena and concessions, where larger numbers of people may gather.
      • Facial coverings are not expected within the show ring, but they continue to be welcome – especially in situations where social distancing is not possible.
      • 4-H members are reminded that while state guidelines do not require facial coverings for those under the age of 10, while 4-H guidelines require facial coverings for all 4-H members during 4-H-related events…
    • Daily symptom assessments: check your temperature, monitor for fevers, watch for a dry cough or trouble breathing, sore throat, headache, body aches, chills, and loss of taste or smell…
      • If you’re not feeling well, or experience the above-listed symptoms, please don’t come to the fairgrounds.
    • Don’t forget to social distance when near others from outside of your family. It’s for everyone’s safety and well-being.
    • Wash or sanitize hands frequently…
    • Remember that the exhibitor (and their family) should have no physical contact with their judge during shows, nor their buyer during sales.
      • Buyer thank you notes and any gifts of appreciation should be sent to the buyer following the fair.
    • Be mindful of what you share on social media – and how it represents our fair – and our 4-H and FFA programs!
      • Early fairs were not successful in using facial coverings and maintaining social distance, and many photos were shared as evidence of disregard for those guidelines. Now we find ourselves impacted by those decisions with additional limitations and guidelines. The fairs that are scheduled to take place after us in August, September and October are hoping to be as fortunate as us – to offer Junior Fair programming. If we don’t choose to do the right things during the Hartford Fair, they may pay the price. When we share photos or make posts online, we need to be sure to have a mask on, and show ourselves being responsible. Hartford is often held up as an example to other fairs across Ohio, let us again be a positive example of how to do what’s right!
    • If you have questions, or don’t understand, be sure to ask! We’re happy to help!
  • Fair Schedule…
    • You can find the fair schedule online at www.hartfordfair.com > Schedule. It is in the process of being updated, to remove all of the non-Junior Fair activities and events. The newest version should be posted within a day or so, feel free to check back often! An updated SPECIES SCHEDULE can be found online at  http://www.hartfordfair.com/forms-2020/Department%20Schedules.pdf
    • No open class events will be held – in any species.
    • Junior Fair llama / alpaca show has been cancelled, due to lack of entries.
    • Some changes have been made to department schedules. Those are listed by department further down in the email message…
    • 4-H Center and FFA Building will be open… Check schedule for hours and plan to drop in to see our 4-H and FFA exhibitor displays.
      • Details regarding set-up of 4-H Club booths was distributed on August 3rd to the lead advisor for each club.
    • 4-H Band will be performing at TARA throughout the week, with concerts on Sunday (3:00 p.m.), Monday (1:30 p.m.), Tuesday (6:00 p.m. in NRA near Pond), Wednesday 8:00 p.m. and Thursday (6:00 p.m.). Be sure to go listen…
  • Admission / Attendance…
    • There are currently no limits on who / how many may attend, but all publicity for the fair has been suspended so as to keep attendance to a manageable level.
    • No admission will be charged at the gate.
    • Junior Fair exhibitors and club/chapter advisors are asked to pick up their IDs on Thursday (1-7 p.m.), Friday (1-7 p.m.) or Saturday 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.) in B. Carr Family Arena.
      • IDs will still be used to pick up and cash premium vouchers.
    • By state guidelines, attendance in the sale arena during the sale will be limited to buyers and immediate family of exhibitor selling at that time.
  • The Fairgrounds…
    • The only area of the grounds open to attendees will be from the 4-H Center and Tara on the North, going East around the track to the Swine Barn. All areas to the South and West will be closed. (other than the SFB office)
    • Food vendors will be moved to the livestock barn area, with there being 10-15 vendors available. I’m sure that you’ll find some of your favorites!
    • Campgrounds will be limited to campers of exhibitors, advisors, SFB members, fair vet, etc.
      • If you need details about the campgrounds, be sure to reach our directly to the Fair Office.
  • General Notes…
    • Vouchers will be issued to exhibitors following completion of participation in each show.
    • The Bank will be open to cash vouchers, with hours posted on the Bank and in the Junior Fair Board office.
    • Curfew will be in place with everyone asked to vacate the barn / concession / office areas by 10:00 p.m. (or within 30 minutes of the conclusion of any event that ends after 10:00 p.m.).
  • Valuable Resources…

 Department Updates / Changes / Reminders: Updated SPECIES SCHEDULE – http://www.hartfordfair.com/forms-2020/Department%20Schedules.pdf

(I apologize in advance if I missed a change or a change is made after this message is sent… Stay up to date with the Hartford Fair and Licking County 4-H websites and Facebook pages!)

  • Market Steer / Breeding Beef / Steer Pool
    • Steer Pool Vet Check will take place at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday
    • Steer Pool Barn Meeting will take place at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday in the Kohman Wing.
    • Steer Pool will be released at 9:15 p.m. on Monday, following show. Packer truck arrives at 9:15 p.m. Monday for packer load out.
    • Feeder Calf show will take place at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday.
    • Breeding Beef show will take place at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday.
  •  Dairy / Dairy Feeder…
    • Dairy heifer move in will be open on Tuesday and Wednesday, with all heifers being in place by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday.  Dairy cattle will be released from the grounds after the show on Thursday.  This will allow exhibitors who are bringing dairy feeders to the fair to make one trip if they would like, but will not force the dairy exhibitors to be at the fair any longer than necessary.
    • The Dairy Feeder Steer show on Wednesday starts at 8:30 a.m. with showmanship.  The show itself will then follow immediately after the conclusion of showmanship.
  • FFA Building…
    • Set up: Thursday 9 a.m. (Change!) |  Project arrival : most on Thursday / maybe some on Saturday  |  Judging: Sunday 9 a.m.  |  Removal: Saturday 3 p.m.
  • Market Hogs
    • Market Hogs must be in place by 9:30 p.m. on Saturday.
    • Market Hogs released following show on Tuesday.
  • Rabbit & Poultry Departments…
    • Poster Contest Rules
      • The purpose of the contest is to demonstrate the Junior Fair exhibitor’s project knowledge, to stimulate interest, and to demonstrate to others the diversity of Rabbit and Poultry projects.
        • Each posted must be made by the 4-H / FFA member.
        • Posters must be made using 22”x28” poster board, displayed horizontally, with stiff backing. It is suggested that your posted be covered in plastic.
        • Each poster must be clearly labeled in the lower right-hand corner, in a space no larger than 3”x5” with the exhibitor’s name, club or chapter, and age as of January 1st of the current year.
        • Posted will be judged based upon: Educational Content (50 points) / Neatness & Appearance (30 points), and Originality (20 points).
        • Posters will be displayed during Rabbit & Poultry Shows.
        • Junior Division: ages 9-13 / Senior Division: ages 14-19
        • No entry fee – this is a free class – no premiums will be paid.
        • Rosettes will be awarded for 1st-5th placings.