REMINDER: Virtual Club Officer Training

Ohio 4-H is hosting a virtual 4-H Club Officer Training On Monday, February 27, 2023 from 7:00-8:30pm. This is a great opportunity to learn more about holding a 4-H club office. There will also be a session for 4-H Club Advisors! Register online by Friday, February 24, 2023 by visiting Once you register, an email confirmation with the Zoom link will be sent to the email address with which you registered.

And don’t forget, we’ll also have a county-wide officer training this year! We are happy to bring back the Club Officer Training Workshop and New Family Orientation in 2023! This event is a great opportunity for members who will be serving in an officer role to learn more about their officer role and gain hands-on experience and helpful resources so they will be better prepared to serve as an officer in 2023. Members who maybe aren’t serving in an officer role yet, but would like to learn more are also encouraged to participate!

We will also have a session for New Family Orientation to help new families learn more about what 4-H has to offer and to have their questions answered.

  • Thursday, April 20, 2023
  • 6:30-8:00pm
  • Granville High School (248 New Burg St, Granville)
  • No registration is necessary
  • Prizes offered to the 4-H clubs with greatest number of members in attendance!

Ohio 4-H Virtual Livestock Judging Contest

How would you like to participate in a judging contest and gain judging experience from your phone? The contest began on Thursday via Facebook. Each week a class will be posted on the Ohio State – 4-H Animal Sciences Facebook page with a link to fill out your information and placing selections. It is open to participants of all ages and states. The species will include cattle, swine, sheep, and goats.

The rules are simple:

  • It is 100% FREE
  • Participate each week before results are posted
  • The contest is open to all ages
  • Results will be posted at the beginning of each week
  • The contest will run for 6 weeks

Division champions will be selected and are divided as follows:

  • Novice (0-7)
  • Junior (8-11)
  • Intermediate (12-14)
  • Senior (15-18)
  • Advanced (19+)
Check out for additional species and resources.

Participate every week for a chance to be named the Ohio 4-H Animal Sciences Virtual Judging Champion!

All About Sheep and Goats Webinars

All members taking sheep and goat projects are encouraged to participate in three Zoom webinars during the month of February that focus on sheep and goat well-being. These Zoom sessions are free to attend and will feature a variety experts. Click HERE for more information and Zoom login information.

  • Thursday, February 2, 2023 – 6:00-7:30pm: Sheep and Goat Nutrition
  • Wednesday, February 8, 2023 – 6:00-7:30pm: Sheep and Goat Health
  • Thursday, February 23, 2023 – 6:00-7:30pm: Sheep and Goat Handling and Welfare

2023 Ohio 4-H Virtual Club Officer Training

Ohio 4-H is hosting a virtual 4-H Club Officer Training On Monday, February 27, 2023 from 7:00-8:30pm. This is a great opportunity to learn more about holding a 4-H club office. There will also be a session for 4-H Club Advisors! Register online by Friday, February 24, 2023 by visiting Once you register, an email confirmation with the Zoom link will be sent to the email address with which you registered.

National 4-H Shooting Sports Quiz Bowl

Mark your calendars! The National 4-H Shooting Sports Annual Quiz Bowl is just around the corner.

Teams consist of 3 or 4 members, with the highest three scores counting as the Team Score. Team members will automatically be re registered in the Individual Competition as well as the Team Competition. Quiz Can be taken anytime between January 16 and January 20, 2023. Scores will be based on the number of correct answers and the amount of time it takes to complete the quiz.

Use this link to register:


FAFSA Question and Answer Session

Did you know $111 million goes to waste if not claimed for post-secondary education opportunities? Ohio 4-H is partnering with the Ohio Department of Higher Education to help answer questions families may have about the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA).

This program will be held virtually on Thursday, January 12, 2023 from 6:00-7:00pm. Register by visiting

Speak Up, Speak Out Virtual SPIN Club

Speak Up, Speak Out is a virtual SPIN Club for youth grades 6-12, who want to improve their public speaking skills and overcome any fears of public speaking. Participants will learn basic speaking skills and the importance of effective verbal and non-verbal communication.

When: Tuesdays – January 10, 17, 24, 31 and February 7m 21

Time: 5:30-6:30pm

The SPIN club will be held online via Zoom and is free to participants.

Interested? Visit to register.

Teen Talk for Military Connected Teens

The 4-H Military Partnership Team is offering an opportunity for military-connected youth (and the adults who work with them) coming up soon. We are hosting Teen Talks for military-connected teens in 8th-12th grades (and any adults working with military teens). Talks will be hosted by young adults (with adult note-takers) and give teens a chance to share, dream, and plan together. From the conversations, our partners at UGA’s Fanning Institute for Leadership Development will develop best practices for working with military-connected youth.

They are in need of teens ages 16+ to help facilitate these sessions. If you are interested, visit their website HERE.
