Webinar on Poultry Safety and Update on HPAI Outbreak in Ohio

The recent HPAI outbreak in multiple counties in Ohio has resulted in over 4 million birds being affected and prompted a lot of questions.  Tim McDermott will be hosting a webinar on Tuesday December 19th at 6pm in collaboration with the USDA Incident Response Team to try to get as much information to our communities as well as provide an opportunity for you to learn more about the outbreak and how it is affecting both the Ohio poultry industry and the backyard/4-H poultry communities.  This is a great opportunity to ask questions and see what educational support is available.

Here is the list of topics to be discussed:

  • Biosecurity basics
  • Symptoms and signs of HPAI in poultry
  • Control Area – what is it and what does it mean for backyard farms?
  • Surveillance Zone – what is it and what does it mean for backyard farms?
  • How long does a quarantine last?
  • What is the status of the incident?
  • What can you do if you have questions?
  • Q&A

More information can be found at: go.osu.edu/HPAI

Teen Achievement Form Workshop Hosted by TLC

Were you unable to attend Lisa’s teen opportunities workshop this week? You have another opportunity to learn about achievement forms and teen opportunities by attending a virtual workshop hosted by the Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council (TLC)! The TLC will host their workshop through Zoom on Sunday, October 1, 2023 from 6:00-7:30pm. There is no cost to attend this workshop, but you must register by Friday, September 29th at https://go.osu.edu/AchForm2023 to receive login information.

MRW Work Ethic Certification

Employability Skills

In 2008, Mike Rowe created the mikeroweWORKS Foundation to launch a national PR campaign for skilled labor. When Mike started the foundation, he wanted to find a way to articulate the qualities he values most. He ended up writing the S.W.E.A.T. Pledge, which stands for “Skill and Work Ethic Aren’t Taboo.” The S.W.E.A.T. Pledge consists of 12 statements that outline the importance of four pillars—work ethic, personal responsibility, delayed gratification, and a positive attitude.

Technical skills help you get the job, work ethic helps you keep the job.

The MRW Work Ethic Certification focuses on the 12 statements of the S.W.E.A.T. Pledge. Each statement has a story, and each story comes from Mike’s personal experience working with entrepreneurs and hardworking people across the country. Through this program, we break down the origin of each statement in 12 lessons and explore why we believe every student and worker can benefit from embracing this pledge, regardless of their job or skill set.


MRW Work Ethic Plan

Ohio 4-H is one of the first.

Ohio is one of the first 4-H programs to offer this opportunity to high school students in the nation! However, it didn’t start there. Since 2021, The Ohio State University ATI was among the first 20 colleges in the nation to offer the Work Ethic Certification, and the first in Ohio.


Virtual Course

Open to all Ohio high school youth.

Dates: Every Monday and Wednesday from September 18 – October 4
Time: 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Must be able to attend all sessions.

Click here to register.

Registration is due September 8. Limited to 20 participants.

Virtual Project Judging Question & Answer Session

The Licking County 4-H Food and Fashion Board will be hosting a virtual Project Question & Answer Session on Thursday, July 6, 2023 from 7:30-8:30pm. Join us on the Zoom anytime during that hour to have your questions answered about 4-H Project Judging. You can access the Zoom link by going to: https://go.osu.edu/4HJudgingQandA

Still Project Help Session

The Licking County 4-H Food and Fashion Board will be hosting a virtual Still Project Help Session on Monday, June 5, 2023 from 2:00-4:00pm. Hop on the Zoom any time during those hours to get your questions answered about your Still Projects (clothing, food, and special interest). Not sure how to complete your project book? Have a question about your sewing pattern? Need ideas for your foods table setting? You can join at this link: https://osu.zoom.us/j/95930383113?pwd=bWs0UU9Ud2NKM1NBREVHSFJvajRVQT09

They will also be hosting a Project Judging Workshop (in-person) on Wednesday, June 28th and will have a Virtual Question and Answer session on Thursday, July 6th for any last-minute questions before judging. More details to come!

2023 Ohio State Fair Virtual Skillathons

Virtual livestock skillathons will be available for youth to complete between May 30th and October 20th. These virtual skillathons will not be scored. They are intended as a way for youth to practice for the Ohio State Fair other skillathon contests. No pre-registration is required. Please visit https://ohio4h.org/animalsciences/ohio-4-h-skillathons for more information.

Youth Poultry Webinars

Attention poultry project members! There will be a series of poultry webinars geared specifically towards youth taking poultry projects. Experts from Ohio State University Extension will present on different topics on poultry health and well-being during the months of April and May. All session will take place from 6:00-7:30pm and since it’s virtual, you can join from anywhere!

Virtual Clothing and Textile Trainings

The Ohio 4-H Master Clothing Educators will be hosting a series of virtual trainings for 4-H members taking clothing projects. There will be three dates, which each date focusing on a skill level.

Beginner Level:

Intermediate Level:

Advanced Level:


Ohio 4-H Photo Contest

Help recognize the 4-H members, Cloverbuds, volunteers, or educators in your life who embody This is Ohio 4-H! by submitting your photos. Any 4-H member may submit photos for the This is Ohio 4-H! Photo Contest. There will be two divisions, Junior (4-H age 8-13) and Senior (4-H age 14-19). All entries must be submitted by May 17. Winners will be featured in a special Ohio 4-H Highlights newsletter and used to promote 4-H around the state. Please see attached guidelines for full details.


Please submit a JPEG file for each photo. One photo may be submitted per category.

If you have any questions, please email ohio4hfoundation@osu.edu.