Market Lamb Tagging

Market lamb tagging will take place on Saturday, May 6th from 9:00am to Noon at the Hartford Fairgrounds. Tagging will take place at the Sheriff Office located on the east side of the racetrack. Up to six lambs may be tagged at this time. The fee is $3 per animal. Please enter through Gate C and continue straight. Turn right at the driveway that runs between the FFA Building and Junior Fair Board Office and proceed in front of the hog barn until you reach the Sheriff Office. Once done, please continue around to the farthest drive and then exit out Gate B.

PLEASE NOTE: There are many things happening on the fairgrounds on Saturday, May 6th. Please follow the process listed above to ensure that you are in the correct area of the fairgrounds for market lamb tagging. Those attending rabbit tattooing and poultry banding will also be entering Gate C, but will immediately turn right to go to tattooing/banding which is taking place behind the grandstands. Please avoid the area around Grubb Arena, the Hondros Beef Barn, and B. Carr Pavilion as there is a large vendor fair taking place in that area.

Market Steer and Heifers Weigh-In for 2023

Members who are planning to take a Market Steer or Heifer project to the Hartford Fair in 2023 must bring their animal(s) to the Tagging / Weigh-In on Saturday, December 10, 2022. Tagging / Weigh-in will take place from 8:00am to 11:00am that day in the west end of Grubb Arena at the Hartford Fairgrounds. Youth planning to bring steers or heifers to the weigh-in MUST pre-register their animals online by NO LATER THAN 1:00pm on Friday, December 9, 2022 at:

Additional information on showing Market Steer/Heifer at the Hartford Fair, as well as the Ohio State Fair (including information on DNA packets) can be found HERE.

Please be sure to review all information to insure you don’t miss any dates/requirements!


Market Lamb Tagging

Market Lamb tagging will take place on Saturday, May 7, 2022 from 9:00am to Noon at the Hartford Fairgrounds at the Sheriff Office (east side of the track just south of the Swine Complex). The cost is $3 per head. Scrapies tags are required for identification.

REMINDER: Dairy Feeder Weigh-In

Dairy Feeder weigh-in will take place on Saturday, June 5, 2021 from 9:00am to noon at the Hartford Fairgrounds at the west end of Grubb Arena. The cost is $10 per animal and includes tagging and vaccinations. Please enter through Gate D and then drive straight through the Hondros Family Beef Barn. You will then unload in front of Grubb arena to be weighed, tagged, and vaccinated. You will then reload your animal(s) and proceed out Gate C. Please note: all calves must be dehorned / castrated prior to June 5th in order to be tagged.

Updated 2021 Hartford Fair Market Steer/Heifer Weigh-In Information

In an effort to reduce points of contact on Saturday, December 12th, during the Hartford Fair Market Steer / Heifer Weigh-in, all exhibitors are asked to complete a pre-registration form (in place of the traditional registration card) for each animal. Exhibitors are asked to complete this online registration by no later than 1:00 p.m. on Friday, December 11th, so that the information can be printed and available to staff during weigh-in for record keeping purposes. The pre-registration form can be found online at Please ensure that all information is accurate, and complete, prior to submission.

SPECIAL NOTE: When attending weigh-in, only one person may accompany animals through chute area (exhibitor attendance is not required), and masks must be worn at all times. Cost to purchase EID Tag is $5.00, with exact change expected. Please remain in your truck when not participating in weigh-in procedures. Persons who are ill, have someone ill within their household, or who are in quarantine / isolation are reminded to stay home.

Additional Information:

2021 Hartford Fair and Ohio State Fair Market Steer/Heifer Instructions

2020 Ohio State Fair Market Steer/Heifer Identification/DNA Guidelines


Tagging Updates for Dairy Feeder, Market Goats, and Market Lambs


  • June 6th | Tag / Weigh / Vaccination at the Hartford Fairgrounds (Grubb Arena – West End)
  • Instructions will be distributed in advance of June 6th, as any social-distancing guidelines in place at that time will be followed.
  • Reminder that dairy feeder calves must be castrated and dehorned in advance of June 6th, and it is recommended that they be healed by that time.
  • Processing fee of $10 per calf will be charged, to cover cost of tag and vaccines.
  • Additional details: Must be born after January 1st, and be of 100% Holstein or Brown Swiss breeding


  • June 6th | Market Goat ID Forms due to the Hartford Fair (in-person tagging will NOT be held)
  • Forms can be submitted by mail, drop-off to mail slot in Hartford Fair Office door, or by email (
  • Scrapies tags are required of ALL GOATS in 2020, and this obviously includes Market Goats, and tag number must be listed on ID Form.
  • ID Form located online here.


  • June 6th | Market Lamb ID Forms due to the Hartford Fair (in-person tagging will NOT be held)
  • Forms can be submitted by mail, drop-off to mail slot in Hartford Fair Office door, or by email (
  • Scrapies tags are now required of ALL MARKET LAMBS, and tag number must be listed on ID Form.
    • If you had purchased a wether lamb from within Ohio, which did not previously require a Scrapies tag, please reach out to the producer to obtain a tag right away.
  • ID Form located online here.

2020 Hartford Fair Steer Weigh-in & Ohio State Fair DNA Samples

All steers and heifers (including Delaware, Knox & Licking Counties) that may be exhibited during the 2020 Hartford Junior Fair Market Steer & Heifer show must be marked by ear tag and tattoo on SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 2020, at the Hartford fairgrounds (Grubb Arena – West End) between 8 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. (NOTE: We are no longer there until noon). Up to four (4) steers or heifers can be tagged for the Hartford Fair per exhibitor.

Tagging fee is $1.00 per tagged animal. Exhibitors must complete a registration card for each animal, which requires the exhibitor’s signature. If the exhibitor will be unable to attend weigh-in procedures, please stop by the Licking County Extension Office and pick up the registration card(s) to be signed by exhibitor in advance.

OSF Junior Fair Market Steer / Heifer DNA samples will NOT be collected during Hartford Fair Steer / Heifer Weigh-In. OSF DNA samples must be submitted by the exhibitor directly to the OSF by no later than January 15th. For additional information, contact Lisa McCutcheon at DNA sample packets are available by contacting the Ohio State Fair directly, or your local Extension office may have some available. See attachment for additional details.

Questions? Give us a call at 740-670-5315. In case of inclement weather conditions, listen to WCLT-AM, WHTH-AM, or visit for an announcement. Announcement will also be made on the Hartford Fair and Licking County 4-H Facebook pages. Make-up date, if necessary, will be Saturday, January 25, 2020.