2024 Shepherds Lead and Lamb Cook Off Contests

The entry forms for the 2024 Shepherds Lead Contest and the 2024 Lamb Cook Off are both now available.

The Shepherds Lead Contest will take place on Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 3:30pm in the East End of Grubb Arena. This is a fun contest for everyone ages 2 and up!

The Lamb Cook Off will be Monday, August 5, 2024 at 6:00pm in B. Carr Arena. Open to contestants ages 9 and up!

Livestock and Equine Skillathons at the Hartford Fair

Junior fair exhibitors! Please remember that there are livestock skillathon contests throughout the week at the fair. All junior fair exhibitors are encouraged to participate. You do not need to show a specific species to participate in that species skillathon; they are open to all! The skillathon competitions are a great way to show your knowledge! See the full schedule of skillathon competitions below or click HERE.

2024 Ohio State Fair 4-H Project Judging Results

We have many Licking County 4-H members who will be competing with their projects at the Ohio State Fair. Results from these competitions can be found on two different websites depending on the project area. Livestock and Horse competition results will be posted on the Ohio State Fair Website. Non-Livestock competition results will be posted on the Ohio 4-H Website. Results are typically posted the day after the competition takes place. Best of luck to all of our Licking County 4-H members!

Momentum Refresh Trailer at the Hartford Fair

The Licking County Board of Developmental Disabilities is providing the Momentum Refresh trailer during the Hartford Fair. Momentum Refresh is a fully accessible, universally designed mobile restroom. We hope that many of our fair’s visitors and exhibitors will find it to be very helpful during their time with us.

Hartford Fair Entry Reminders

Please review the following information to ensure you have your fair entries complete and are ready for the Hartford Fair!

  • Late entries are still being accepted (with a late fee) until midnight on Friday, July 19, 2024. You can make late entries by logging into FairEntry and starting a new invoice/registration and proceeding through the same process as before.
  • ALL exhibitors planning to participate in showmanship classes MUST make entries for the showmanship classes in which they plan to participate.
  • Please review your entries to ensure they are correct. Since you can log in at any point to view your entries, please remember that verification letters are no longer mailed out to exhibitors. It is your responsibility to check your entries to ensure they are complete and accurate.
  • Please check your mailing address to ensure it is correct. Exhibitors who are enrolled in 4-H had their information synced over from 4-HOnline in April so their address is the same as that in 4-HOnline. If your address is incorrect or you have changed address, please reach out to Adrienne at anderson.1410@osu.edu to get it updated. Please note: Once the 4-HOnline profiles were synced over into FairEntry, if you update your address in 4-HOnline, the system does NOT automatically update it in FairEntry; we need to manually update it in the system. We want to ensure that all profiles are up-to-date to ensure exhibitors receive their sale checks.

Help Needed in the 4-H Center at the Hartford Fair

Help is needed in the 4-H Center at the Hartford Fair during fair week.

The 4-H Center is open from 10:00am to 8:00pm each day of the fair. Volunteer shifts are one hour and volunteers just need to keep an eye on the building and answer general questions from fair visitors. This is a great opportunity relax for an hour or two in the air conditioning while helping promote 4-H and support those clubs and members who are displaying their projects in the 4-H Center. 4-H members are encouraged to participate, but we do ask that an adult be present with the members while they work their shift.

To sign up for a 4-H Center shift, please visit go.osu.edu/Hartford4HCenter. If you have questions, please reach out to Adrienne Anderson at anderson.1410@osu.edu.

2024 July Poultry Banding & Rabbit Tattooing

The July Rabbit Tattooing and Poultry Banding will take place on Saturday, July 13, 2024 from 10:00am to 2:00pm in the Beef Barn. The fee is $1/animal.

Members with the following projects are required to have their rabbits tattooed and poultry banded on this day:

  • Meat Chickens
  • Meat Ducks
  • Market Rabbits
  • Junior Breeding Rabbits – please bring your completed Rabbit Registration Form. Bringing the form completed will help speed up the process.