2024 Livestock Requirements Summary

The 2024 Hartford Junior Fair Livestock Requirements Summary is now available. This document has all of the pertinent dates and information for all livestock projects. Please review it carefully to ensure you know all deadlines and requirements for your livestock project.

Equine Education Competition Teams Forming

Have you ever considered getting involved in Horse Bowl, Hippology or Horse Judging, but didn’t know where to start? We’ve got just what you need! An informational session will be held on Tuesday, January 30th, that will help you in better understanding each event, and allow you to sign up to participate! For those who have competed previously, please know that we want you to attend as well! The Hippology and Horse Bowl Contests will be held on April 6th at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, and the Judging contest on July 15th at the Ohio State Fairgrounds.  Members enrolling in a Horse project are eligible to participate.

Please join us for an informational meeting, so that we can establish teams and plan practice dates and times…

Attendance during this organizational meeting is very important!

When:  Tuesday, January 30th  / 7-8:00 p.m.

Where:  Online – Zoom Meeting

Please send an email to Lisa Kuhn at lakuhn2010@gmail.com so you can  be sent the meeting link. Please reach out to Lisa Kuhn or Heather McClain hmmjemm@yahoo.com


There is also a clinic on Saturday, March 2nd on the OSU campus that you can attend to better understand how the contests will operate and to learn about different horse related topics. You can register online on the state website.  If you are planning on participating in the contests, we would strongly suggest signing up for this clinic.

2024 Statewide Horse Advisor Training/Update

Ohio 4-H will hold their annual Statewide Horse Advisor Update/Training on Saturday, January 27th at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center in Columbus. Horse advisors are encouraged to attend, however, space is limited so if you do plan to attend, please register right away as the registration is filling quickly. You can find out more about this event by visiting the Ohio 4-H website HERE.

This training falls on the same date as our main Licking County 4-H Advisor Training. If you plan to attend the Horse Training, please be sure to reach out to Lisa to register for one of the alternate advisor training dates for Licking County.

Research Survey for Horse Owners

Researchers at the Ohio State University invite you to participate in a survey about standard management practices of horse owners in Ohio. Responses from this survey will give us a better understanding of typical feeding and housing practices observed in the Ohio horse industry as well as what sources are most commonly used by horse owners to determine best management practices. This survey will take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. To participate in this survey, you must be over 18 and own horses in the state of Ohio.

Risks of Participation and Informed Consent:

We do not anticipate any risk to you if you choose to participate in this survey. Every effort will be made to keep the results confidential; your name will not be associated with your responses. There is no cost to the survey except your time. You are free to choose whether or not to complete the survey and can discontinue participation at any time.


This survey includes entry into a drawing for a variety of prizes including a $20 gas card from Speedway or $20 gift cards to Rod’s Western Palace. You have an approximately 1:20 chance of winning.

You can complete the survey by clicking HERE. If you have questions, please reach out to Elizabeth Share at share.8@osu.edu.

Photos from the Fair

We were fortunate to have several photographers who worked throughout the fair to document the Junior Fair shows and events. Check out their links below to view and purchase pictures!


Kylee Williams was our photographer for equine events during the Hartford Fair. You can find all photos posted online HERE. Just choose the Hartford Fair link at the top of the page and then select the event in which you are interested! MANY THANKS to Don and Marcie Williams for sponsoring one digital image per equine exhibitor – exhibitors are reminded to reach out to Kylee directly to select your chosen image.


Halee Ann Photography was our photographers for livestock events during the Hartford Fair. You can find all of the photos she and her colleagues took posted online HERE. The galleries are organized by species and then by show/event.


Karen Keller Photography took photos during the King and Queen Contest, including the introduction of our Commodity Royalty and our Prince and Princess of the Day participants. You can find all of her photos posted online HERE.