If you are interested in becoming a Licking County 4-H advisor for 2025, you can find the application HERE. Completed applications are due to the Licking County Extension Office by January 1, 2025. Please note that all applicants must be at least 20 years of age as of 01/01/2025 – allowing for at least one year between enrollment as a member and stepping in to an Advisor role. Applications can also be emailed to Lisa McCutcheon at mccutcheon.46@osu.edu. If you are interested in starting a new club, please turn your advisor application in as soon as possible so we can get that process started as well.
REMINDER: 2024 4-H Achievement Night
We are excited to recognize our members and advisors at the annual Licking County 4-H Achievement Night on Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 6:30pm at C-TEC. We are thrilled to recognize individuals who fall into the list below. While we look forward to recognizing these youth and volunteers, please know that everyone is welcome to attend this event, even if you are not getting recognized. Come cheer on your fellow 4-H members and club advisors. If you plan to attend please RSVP by visiting http://go.osu.edu/4HBanquet. Once there you will complete a very quick and simple survey that will help us gauge the number of people who will be attending. Please RSVP by Monday, November 18, 2024.
Areas/Groups Being Recognized:
- Project/Commodity Royalty Representatives
- Ohio State Fair Livestock and Still Project Awards: Clock Trophy, Honorable Mention, Outstanding of the Day, Animal/Livestock Skill-a-thon, Junior Livestock, Junior Dog
- Dairy Judging Contest: Licking County and Ohio 4-H Contests
- 4-H Band: Officers, Council, Advisor Board, and Scholarship Recipients
- Licking County Teen Leadership: Camp Counselors, Hartford Fair Junior Fair Board, Food & Fashion Board, 4-H CARTEENS
- Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership: Teen Leadership Council, Ohio 4-H Event Youth Assistant
- 4-H Achievement Record Awards: Project Area Awards, Trip Awards, and Scholarship Recipients
- “I Dare You” Award Recipients
- Honor Clubs
- Club Charter for New Clubs
- Licking County 4-H Committee
- Licking County 4-H Advisors
- 4-H Volunteers: Quality Assurance Instructors, Hartford Fair Senior Fair Board, 4-H Camp Volunteers, Skill-a-thon Facilitators, Project Interview Judges
- Friend of 4-H Announcement
2024 4-H Achievement Night
We are excited to recognize our members and advisors at the annual Licking County 4-H Achievement Night on Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 6:30pm at C-TEC. We are thrilled to recognize individuals who fall into the list below. While we look forward to recognizing these youth and volunteers, please know that everyone is welcome to attend this event, even if you are not getting recognized. Come cheer on your fellow 4-H members and club advisors. If you plan to attend please RSVP by visiting http://go.osu.edu/4HBanquet. Once there you will complete a very quick and simple survey that will help us gauge the number of people who will be attending. Please RSVP by Monday, November 18, 2024.
Areas/Groups Being Recognized:
- Project/Commodity Royalty Representatives
- Ohio State Fair Livestock and Still Project Awards: Clock Trophy, Honorable Mention, Outstanding of the Day, Animal/Livestock Skill-a-thon, Junior Livestock, Junior Dog
- Dairy Judging Contest: Licking County and Ohio 4-H Contests
- 4-H Band: Officers, Council, Advisor Board, and Scholarship Recipients
- Licking County Teen Leadership: Camp Counselors, Hartford Fair Junior Fair Board, Food & Fashion Board, 4-H CARTEENS
- Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership: Teen Leadership Council, Ohio 4-H Event Youth Assistant
- 4-H Achievement Record Awards: Project Area Awards, Trip Awards, and Scholarship Recipients
- “I Dare You” Award Recipients
- Honor Clubs
- Club Charter for New Clubs
- Licking County 4-H Committee
- Licking County 4-H Advisors
- 4-H Volunteers: Quality Assurance Instructors, Hartford Fair Senior Fair Board, 4-H Camp Volunteers, Skill-a-thon Facilitators, Project Interview Judges
- Friend of 4-H Announcement
President’s Environmental Youth Award
Encourage youth with an existing environmental stewardship project or an idea for a project to apply so that their achievements can be further recognized. The President’s Environmental Youth Award (PEYA) recognizes outstanding environmental stewardship projects developed by K-12 youth. The PEYA program promotes awareness of our nation’s natural resources and encourages positive community involvement.
Youth must have completed their project while they were in kindergarten through the 12th grade and the project must be sponsored by an adult who is 21 or older. Applicants from all 50 states as well as U.S. territories are eligible to compete for a national Presidential award.
Visit the President’s Environmental Youth Aware webpage for more information about eligibility requirements, judging criteria, and how to apply.
4-H Achievement Form Virtual Workshop
The Ohio 4-H Achievement Record is a 4-H members’ path to national trips and opportunities! Join us virtually on October 20 to learn more about what the 4-H Achievement Record is and how to get started! RSVP today at go.osu.edu/AchForm2024 or find more information at https://ohio4h.org/awardsandscholarships.
PLEASE NOTE: This virtual workshop falls AFTER our achievement form deadline. This can still be a helpful session to sit in on for ideas on how to improve your forms in the future.
REMINDER: Teen Achievement Awards Forms and Licking County 4-H Committee Scholarship DUE
The 2024 Ohio 4-H Achievement Awards Form Packet as well as the 2024 Licking County 4-H Committee Scholarship Packet are now available. Both forms can be found on the Teen Opportunities page of the website. Achievement Awards forms and the 4-H Committee Scholarship are due to the Licking County Extension Office by Friday, October 4, 2024. By completing the Achievement Awards forms, members have the opportunity to be recognized for their comprehensive project work and leadership activities and can be chosen to represent Licking County at the state level competition. Applicants are also eligible to apply for state trips/camps and other opportunities through this process. Members must be at least 14 (as of 01/01/2025) in order to be eligible for this process. Please reach out to Lisa McCutcheon (mccutcheon.46@osu.edu) with questions or for help with the process.
2024 Horse Project Members Recognized at Horse Banquet
Horse Project Members were recognized at the 2024 Fall Horse Banquet for all of their hard work and accomplishments this year. If you would like to see all of the members that were recognized, the complete list can be found HERE.
Teen Achievement Awards Forms and Licking County 4-H Committee Scholarship
The 2024 Ohio 4-H Achievement Awards Form Packet as well as the 2024 Licking County 4-H Committee Scholarship Packet are now available. Both forms can be found on the Teen Opportunities page of the website. Achievement Awards forms and the 4-H Committee Scholarship are due to the Licking County Extension Office by Friday, October 4, 2024. By completing the Achievement Awards forms, members have the opportunity to be recognized for their comprehensive project work and leadership activities and can be chosen to represent Licking County at the state level competition. Applicants are also eligible to apply for state trips/camps and other opportunities through this process. Members must be at least 14 (as of 01/01/2025) in order to be eligible for this process. Please reach out to Lisa McCutcheon (mccutcheon.46@osu.edu) with questions or for help with the process.
REMINDER: Teen Awards & Opportunities Workshop
Apply for county and state achievement awards, scholarships, camps and conferences using the Ohio 4-H Achievement Record. How do you know if you’re eligible? If you are a current 4-H member who will have passed your 14th birthday (but not yet passed your 19th birthday) by January 1, 2025, you are considered to be eligible for these opportunities. However, in order to compete for awards selection and recognition, you must complete and submit an Ohio 4-H Achievement Record Form. Not sure how to get started or have you completed these forms in the past and would like help to make them better? Lisa will hold a Teen Awards & Opportunity Workshop on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 starting at 6:30pm at the Licking County Extension Office. Reach out to Lisa at mccutcheon.46@osu.edu to register!
Teen Awards & Opportunities Workshop
Apply for county and state achievement awards, scholarships, camps and conferences using the Ohio 4-H Achievement Record. How do you know if you’re eligible? If you are a current 4-H member who will have passed your 14th birthday (but not yet passed your 19th birthday) by January 1, 2025, you are considered to be eligible for these opportunities. However, in order to compete for awards selection and recognition, you must complete and submit an Ohio 4-H Achievement Record Form. Not sure how to get started or have you completed these forms in the past and would like help to make them better? Lisa will hold a Teen Awards & Opportunity Workshop on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 starting at 6:30pm at the Licking County Extension Office. Reach out to Lisa at mccutcheon.46@osu.edu to register!