2022 Licking County 4-H Achievement Night

We are excited to recognize our members and advisors at the annual Licking County 4-H Achievement Night. Email invites went out to all advisors and those members who will be recognized at the event. If you received an email, please be sure to RSVP at the link in the email if you plan to attend. A list of areas being recognized is listed below. If you did not receive and email but you have a member who should be recognized in one of the areas below, please reach out to Adrienne at anderson.1410@osu.edu so she can check to ensure we haven’t missed anyone.

Please note: the email message was sent to the family email address (and member email if there was one listed) in 4-HOnline. Please check your junk/spam folder for the missing email first. The email would have come from Adrienne Anderson – anderson.1410@osu.edu around 4:00pm on 10/26/22.

Areas/Groups Being Recognized:

  • Project/Commodity Royalty Representatives
  • Ohio State Fair Livestock and Still Project Awards: Clock Trophy, Honorable Mention, Outstanding of the Day, Animal/Livestock Skill-a-thon, Junior Livestock, Junior Dog
  • Dairy Judging Contest: Licking County and Ohio 4-H Contests
  • Hartford Fair: Skill-a-thon, Project Interview, and Record Book Winners
  • 4-H Band: Officers, Council, Advisor Board, and Scholarship Recipients
  • Licking County Teen Leadership: Camp Counselors, Hartford Fair Junior Fair Board, Food & Fashion Board, 4-H CARTEENS
  • Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership: Teen Leadership Council and 4-H Event Youth Assistant
  • 4-H Achievement Record Awards: Project Area Awards, Trip Awards, and Scholarship Recipients
  • “I Dare You” Award Recipients
  • Honor Clubs
  • Club Charter for New Clubs
  • Licking County 4-H Committee
  • Licking County 4-H Advisors
  • 4-H Volunteers: Quality Assurance Instructors, Hartford Fair Senior Fair Board, 4-H Camp Volunteers, Skill-a-thon Facilitators, Project Interview Judges
  • Friend of 4-H Announcement

2023 Food and Fashion Board Application

The application for the 2023 Licking County 4-H Food and Fashion Board is due by November 15, 2022. To be eligible to apply, members must at least 14 years old as of January 1, 2022. They must have completed a 4-H food or clothing project in 2022 and plan to complete a 4-H food or clothing project in 2022. Members serve in a leadership role to support the food and clothing project areas. Members will plan and host workshops, help with judging, plan and run the style revue, and host other events to support our Licking County 4-H members. The application is due by Interviews will be held on Thursday, December 1, 2022 from 3:00-4:00pm and 7:00-8:00pm. Please reach out to Adrienne Anderson (anderson.1410@osu.edu) to schedule and interview time.

Holiday Toy Drive

Let’s put our “hands to larger service!” Licking County 4-H is partnering with Karis’ Cause to collect toys, games, and gift cards for patients and their families at Nationwide Children’s Hospital this holiday season. Items should be new, in original packaging. Please do NOT bring presents gift wrapped. Items should be dropped of to the Licking County Extension Office by November 18, 2022. Suggested items are listed below, but please know this is not a definitive list.

Gift ideas:

  • $10 gift cards to stores like Walmart, Target, Amazon, etc.
  • Craft Items: crayons, markers, paint, stickers, Play Doh, clay, art sets, etc.
  • Games: board and card games
  • Video Games: Wii and XBOX 360 or One
  • Toys: Puzzles, matchbox cars, lego/building sets, dolls, stuffed animals, etc.

4-H Camp Ohio Wish List

4-H Camp Ohio has an Amazon Wish List where you can purchase items that camp needs and have them shipped directly to camp! It’s an easy way to help support camp and ensure that camp has the supplies it needs for programming throughout the year. Check out their wish list HERE.

Please note: Items do not have to be purchased through Amazon. If you find the same items on the list locally, please feel free to purchase there and deliver/ship to camp.

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Open Steer & Heifer Show

Great opportunity to spend some time in the show ring this fall – and it’s local! Market your calendars and check out their page and Band app to stay informed of updates!

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2023 Junior Fair Board Application Due Soon!

Come be a part of the team! The application for the 2023 Hartford Fair Junior Fair Board is available HERE. Completed applications must be turned in by November 15, 2022. Applicants must be age 14 as of 01/01/2023 to apply for the junior fair board. Interviews will take place on Saturday, December 3rd at the Licking County Extension Office. Once you have submitted your application, please call our office at 740-670-5315 to schedule your interview.


BVD Testing Required for OCA’s BEST Program

A new rule regarding Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) persistent infection (PI) status will be applied to the 2022-23 Ohio Cattlemen’s Association’s (OCA) Beef Exhibitor Show Total (BEST) program. All cattle (BEST and non-BEST) (in-state and out-of-state) must have a negative BVD test to exhibit at any OCA BEST sanctioned show.

BVD is a respiratory and reproductive virus that wreaks havoc on cattle’s immune systems and their ability to bore calves. It can be passed on to calves at birth and has variable symptoms. The key to ensuring the health of a herd is to spot the signs of BVD early and cut off contact between healthy and infected livestock.

Like declaring a breed at the first sanctioned show, proof of a negative BVD PI test MUST be provided at the next BEST sanctioned show immediately following the first BEST show the animal attended, whether or not you plan to exhibit cattle at the show. Failure to do so will result in the animal being dropped from the BEST point standings and the program. Additionally, any showmanship points garnered with the animal will be forfeited.

A BVD PI test is a one-time test good for the life of the animal. Schedule the BVD PI test with enough lead time to receive the test results prior to a BEST show. A lead time of at least two weeks is recommended prior to the first show. If purchasing show animals, ask your seller if the animal has had a BVD PI test.

Acceptable tests include and are limited to: Immunohistochemistry (IHC) on skin, Antigen-capture ELISA (ACE) on serum (blood test) or skin, Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on whole blood, serum or skin. Animals must be individually tested and individually identified. Pooled testing is acceptable only if documentation is provided that the animal was specifically included in the pool and that the pool contained no more than seven animals.

The OCA BEST Committee will be working with local jackpot shows and county cattlemen’s associations to offer BVD testing ahead of the BEST show season to reduce the cost of the test for exhibitors and to streamline BEST check-in procedures. More information on these tests is available at www.ohiocattle.org/best or by calling the OCA office at 614-873-6736. If unable to attend one of the pre-season testing opportunities, your local veterinarian may perform one of the approved BVD tests.

For more information on testing, refer to the complete BVD rule included within the OCA BEST rules for 2022-2023 and available on the OCA website www.ohiocattle.org/best

Teen Talk for Military Connected Teens

The 4-H Military Partnership Team is offering an opportunity for military-connected youth (and the adults who work with them) coming up soon. We are hosting Teen Talks for military-connected teens in 8th-12th grades (and any adults working with military teens). Talks will be hosted by young adults (with adult note-takers) and give teens a chance to share, dream, and plan together. From the conversations, our partners at UGA’s Fanning Institute for Leadership Development will develop best practices for working with military-connected youth.

They are in need of teens ages 16+ to help facilitate these sessions. If you are interested, visit their website HERE.


BEEF 509 Program

The long-running BEEF 509 program, hosted by the Ohio Cattlemen’s Foundation (OCF), will be back in 2023. This educational opportunity will be held on Feb. 25 and March 4 and will be co-hosted by the Ohio State University (OSU) Meat Science Extension and sponsored by the Ohio Beef Council (OBC).

BEEF 509 is an educational program designed to teach cattle producers about the food side of their business and how to utilize best management practices to improve beef quality and enhance profitability while learning about value within the beef chain.

It is designed for beef cattle producers, allied industry personnel including chefs and beef salespersons, veterinarians, teachers, Extension personnel and college students to learn more about the value of beef. Program participants learn about the importance of producing a more consistent and high-quality beef product through a series of hands-on lessons presented by various meat science faculty, staff and graduate students.

Participants are divided into teams, taught live animal evaluation, grid pricing systems, allowed to select live cattle through an “auction-like” setting and then follow those cattle through harvest, grading and a hands-on cutting session which provides participants with the opportunity to experience first-hand the differences encountered in carcass composition. The resulting information is then evaluated in terms of the value differences calculated between animals and how that translates back to value differences in the live animals that are not typically relayed to the producer under a traditional beef marketing scenario.

Topics for the event will include live cattle evaluation, beef harvesting procedures & innovations, carcass aging, grid pricing, beef industry updates, taste panel & shear force evaluation, genetic & environmental carcass merit factors, beef carcass grading & fabrication, live carcass & boxed-beef valuations and a Beef Quality Assurance certification will be earned.

A maximum of 30 program spaces will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. BEEF 509 will be held on consecutive Saturdays and it will be critical to attend each Saturday as participants will be assigned to teams that will work together for both days of the program. The live animal evaluation, grid pricing discussion and auction will take place on the first Saturday. Carcass grading and fabrication are among the activities planned for the second Saturday.

The program will run from approximately 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. each Saturday and will take place at the OSU Animal Sciences Building located at 2029 Fyffe Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210. Registration is $175 per person and the deadline to register is Jan. 5, 2023.

For more information or to register for BEEF 509 visit www.ohiocattle.org/foundation or contact the OCF office at 614-873-6736.