2022 Summer Kickoff!

NEWARK — Over the past two years, young children have experienced significant disruptions in almost every aspect of their lives – from school and childcare to the way they play with friends and participate in activities. The COVID-19 pandemic has not only left their parents and caregivers feeling isolated, but it’s kept them from connecting with community resources that could benefit their families.

The Licking County Board of Developmental Disabilities and the Licking County Health Department are joining forces to revive those connections, and help create new ones, by hosting a Summer Kickoff, from 4 to 8 p.m. May 7, at the Canal Market District. This first-of-its-kind resource fair will bring more than two dozen community partners together, to distribute information and take-home activities and answer questions from families. It is free and open to the whole community. “It was important to us that all families are represented, so we’ll have activities for babies and toddlers, as well as older children and teens,” said Cheree Nelson, LCBDD’s Director of Early Childhood.

Participants will also get to enjoy a petting zoo and games from Bring the Farm to You, raffles, free giveaways and even more fun. There will be free treats available and families are welcome to purchase additional items from local food trucks. The goal is to help families start their summer off right, whether that means connecting with a camp or activity, learning more about safety or making a referral to a community agency, said Beth Rutter, LCBDD”s Early Intervention Manager. “We have so many great resources in our community and we know how much of an impact they can have on local families,” she said. “What better way to raise awareness than to bring caregivers and kids together to have fun.”

Funds for the event are provided by generous grants from the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities and Ohio Department of Health, Bureau of Maternal Child and Family Health, Maternal Infant Wellness.

For more information, follow the event on Facebook HERE!

4-H Camp Information

We know many of you are anxiously awaiting the arrival of 4-H Summer Camp and Cloverbud Day Camp registration information. We are planning for the registrations for both 4-H Summer Camp and Cloverbud Day Camp to go live on Thursday, April 21st at 7:00pm. We are especially excited to share that we are able to return to FULL capacity at camp in 2022. The registration will be very similar to the process we used last year. Please take the time to read through the following information before registration opens. We hope this information will help to make the registration process run smoothly.

4-H Summer Camp


  • Registration information will be posted on our Camp Opportunities page: https://licking.osu.edu/program-areas/4-h-youth-development/camp-opportunities
  • Registration will take place online. It will consist of three parts: Registration, Super Session Selection, and completion of Health Form.
  • You will complete the registration first. Once that has been submitted, you will receive an email confirming your registration. That email will contain links to two additional surveys. The first will be a Session Selection Survey. The second will be the Camper Health Form. PLEASE ensure that you type your email address correctly in the registration as these emails will be sent automatically within minutes of its completion. If you do not receive the confirmation email, please check your junk/spam folder.
  • Once you complete the Registration, your child’s spot at camp is confirmed. Even though Super Sessions will fill, it is not vital that you immediately complete the Super Session Survey and Camper Health Form.
  • Youth are NOT required to be enrolled as a Licking County 4-H member to attend. Camp is open to 4-H members from other counties as well as those who aren’t involved in 4-H. PLEASE NOTE: non-Licking County 4-H members have an additional $10 fee added to their registration.
  • We do not want the cost of camp to be a hinderance for any youth to attend camp. If your family has a financial need to help your child(ren) attend camp, please complete a Camp Scholarship Application. Youth must be enrolled as a Licking County 4-H Member to be eligible for a Camp Scholarship. These applications are due by Friday, May 13, 2022 and can be found by clicking HERE.


  • When completing the registration, you will have three options to choose from for payment:
    • Pay by credit card through our online payment portal (Nelnet)
    • Pay with cash or check in our office
    • Defer payment for now by submitting a Camp Scholarship Application (due May 13, 2022)
  • The fee for summer camp registration is $215 per camper. Thanks to a VERY generous donation from The Licking County Farm Bureau, all campers will receive a $20 discount to their camp fee, bringing the cost of each camper down to $195. Non-Licking County 4-H youth fee will be $205.
  • Children of active Licking County Farm Bureau members have the option to receive an additional $50 discount per child, bringing their camp fee down to $145. PLEASE NOTE: the parent of the child must be an active Licking County Farm Bureau member. You will need to enter your membership number during the registration process, so have your membership card ready. Grandparent, aunt/uncle, friend, etc. membership numbers are not eligible for this discount.

Session Selection:

  • You will need to complete the session selection survey for each youth attending summer camp.
  • Please review the session list HERE. We suggest you have your child make selections of which sessions they wish to attend before you start the session selection process. All sessions have a limit as to how many can attend, so please have multiple options selected for each session slot in case your child’s first preference is already full when you complete this step.
  • Some sessions have an additional fee. Once you complete the session selection, you will be automatically redirected to the Nelnet site to pay for any session fees. All session fees will be paid in advanced; no session fees will be collected during check-in at camp.


Cloverbud Day Camp


  • Registration information will be posted on our Camp Opportunities page: https://licking.osu.edu/program-areas/4-h-youth-development/camp-opportunities
  • Registration will take place online. It will consist of two parts: Registration and Health Form.
  • You will complete the registration first. Once that has been submitted, you will receive an email confirming your registration. That email will contain and additional link to complete the Camper Health Form. PLEASE ensure that you type in your email address correctly as these emails will be sent automatically from the registration within minutes of its completion. If you do not receive your email, please check your junk/spam folder.
  • Youth are NOT required to be enrolled as a Licking County 4-H Cloverbud to attend. Camp is open to 4-H members from other counties as well as those who aren’t enrolled in 4-H. PLEASE NOTE: non-Licking County 4-H members have an additional $5 fee for their registrations.


  • When completing the registration you will have two options to choose from for payment. You can pay by credit card through our online payment portal (Nelnet) or pay by cash or check in our office.
  • The fee for Cloverbud Day Camp is $40 per camper. Non-Licking County 4-H Cloverbud members fee will be $45.

REMINDER: Mini Camp Registrations Due

Mini Camp registrations are due by Friday, April 22, 2022 to the Licking County Extension Office.

Mini Camp is a great opportunity for first or second year campers. Campers stay at 4-H Camp Ohio for one night and get to experience some of the basics of camp while getting to know the counselors and adult staff. This helps campers feel more confident about attending 4-H Summer Residential Camp in June. Mini Camp is also open to members who are in their last year as a Cloverbud. They may not be old enough to attend Summer Camp just yet, but they can still get an overnight camping experience this way. Mini Camp will be held Friday, May 13th through Saturday, May 14th. Registration materials can be found here and are due with payment to the the Licking County Extension Office by Friday, April 22, 2022.



Ohio 4-H Special Needs Camp

“4-H is for everyone,” but sometimes accessibility issues deny youth with unique abilities the opportunity to attend camp. In Ohio, a statewide 4-H camp is held at Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp in Jackson, Ohio for young people who have needs that cannot be accommodated for in a traditional camp and their caregivers. Being a typical kid is what Camp is all about and it is no different for youth with special needs. The goal is to give Campers a true experience of Camp while meeting their needs and letting them set their own pace for fun and success!

The Camp allows youth to actively participate in activities such as environmental science, crafts, music therapy, outdoor education, aquatic skills, and self-reliability.  The youth, along with their caregivers, enjoy 2 nights and 2 days of camping experience that may not have been available otherwise through 4-H.

Dates: June 17-19, 2022

Location: Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp in Jackson, Ohio

Dusty Riders Equine Safety and Show Ready Clinic

Learn valuable and practical safety techniques to keep the member and horse safe at home and during shows. Review brush maintenance, proper grooming, bathing, and more. Live demonstrations on clipping for ranch and pleasure projects, saddle fitting, saddling and stirrup adjustments for optimal riding, halter fitting for field and ring, and proper chain use.

Date: May 21, 2022

Time: 10:00am to 1:30pm

Location: 1187 Thornwood Dr., Heath, OH 43056


9:15 a.m. – 9:55 a.m. Event A Link

Make sure to stop by our registration table to check in and get your Hoof beats bag and register for your door prizes! Registration opens at 9:15 a.m. and will go up until 9:58 a.m. We want to get started promptly at 10:00 a.m.

Giddy Up Stations

10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Event B Link

Have fun learning and engaging with other 4-Hers, with 4 rotating stations designed to teach members and their family in an engaging and interactive way!

Station 1: “Munching Madness” – Learn about horse nutrition requirements, smell and touch grain and hay to what is okay to feed and what is not.

Station 2: “Looking HORSEome” – Identify grooming tools, learn how to make your horse sparkle and get learn how to clean your grooming tools.

Station 3: “Show-It-Off” – Get ready to show by learning what to take, get tips and tricks to showing on a budget. Find out how to time your show prep so you aren’t rushing and what members are required to wear.

Station 4: “Let’s Hoof It Outta Here”? – Learn about proper hoof care, identify common hoof trouble and how to treat it!

Safety Stations

11:00 – 12:00 p.m. Event C Link

Get ready to participate in two exciting safety stations, designed to teach the member and their family how to keep themselves and their horse or pony safe!

Station 1: “Horse Space” – Work with a life sized cut out to determine what dangers zones are at the barn and show barn. Identify the meaning of red ribbons and learn horse to horse space. Finally learn how, where and what a safety knot is and why its vital to your horses safety.

Station 2: “Stall Knowledge 101” – Keep your horse from hurting itself or getting sick by learning key tips and tricks to ensure a stall is safe. Learn how to keep your horse cool in the heat at shows and the barn. Use a life-sized cut out to learn how to safely enter and exit stalls and truly understand the size of your equine!

Feed Time (Lunch)

12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Set down, take a break and enjoy some tasty pizza, chips and water, lemonade or tea.

“Horsing Around” Demonstrations

12:30 -1:30 p.m.

Gather round as you watch and learn from experts using live horses.

Demonstration 1: “Fitting This” Learn how to properly fit your horse and pony halter for the field and for the horse show. Understand when its appropriate to use the chain and how to use the chain safely and effectively. Watch and learn how to fit your horses Western and English bridles. Understand the importance of checking tack and blankets for saddles and learn how to adjust stirrups for an optimal ride and show.

Demonstration 2: “Brush – Clip – Bath – Repeat” Watch and learn how to make your horse sparkle. See how to properly care for your horses mane and tail for long luxurious locks! Get grooming tips that make a difference in the show ring to a judge. Get an example of what banding and braiding is. Clipping 101″: How and what to clip for Ranch and Western. Get tips and tricks to safely clip even the most reluctant horses, safely. Learn what equipment is needed and how to keep it good as new.

2022 Commodity Royalty Applications

There are several Licking County 4-H and Hartford Fair Commodity Royalty Applications that are available. Please check the applications below to see if you qualify and when applications are due.

2022 Licking County Dairy Princess Contest – Applications due by May 1, 2022.  Mail application to: Leanne Rex, 959 Newark Granville Road, Granville, OH  43023

2022 Licking County Dairy Feeder Princess Application – Applications due by May 1, 2022.  Mail application to: Leanne Rex, 959 Newark Granville Road, Granville, OH  43023.

2022 Licking County Family & Consumer Sciences Queen/Princess Contest Application – Applications due by May 1, 2022.  All entries should be submitted to: OSU Extension – Licking County Office, 771 E. Main Street, Suite 103, Newark, OH  43055.

2022 Licking County Goat King & Queen Contest Application – Updated 2.1.22 – Applications due by May 1, 2022.  Mail entries to Lori Lee, 18355 Utica Road, Utica, OH  43080.

2022 Licking County Lamb Royalty Application – April 14, 2022 to: Licking County Lamb Royalty Contest, Licking County Extension Office, 771 E. Main Street, Suite 103, Newark, OH 43055.

2022 Hartford Fair Pork Queen / Princess Contest Application and Guidelines – Entry Deadline: June 22, 2022.  Mail entry to:  Pork Queen/Princess Contest, 5691 Sunnyside Road, Granville, OH  43023

2022 Licking County Poultry Royalty Contest Application – Entry Deadline: April 22, 2022.  Mail application to: Sarah Henry 11413 Blue Jay Road, Newark, OH 43056

2022 Licking County Rabbit Royalty Contest Application – Entry Deadline: May 4, 2022.  Mail applications to: Sonia Tilley, 10630 Baker Road, St. Louisville, OH  43071.

REMINDER: Believe in Ohio STEM Scholarship

All Ohio high school students, who are juniors or seniors during the 2020-2021 school year, and who meet the qualifications noted on the scholarship application, are invited to apply for a $1,000 Believe in Ohio STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) Scholarship.

The purpose of this scholarship program is to recognize students throughout Ohio for their 4-H Project contributions to STEM Innovation and Entrepreneurship (livestock project work would also count towards this). To ensure that students from all parts of Ohio receive recognition, we would like to award at least one $1,000 scholarship in each of Ohio’s ninety-nine State House of Representative districts, and thirty-three Ohio State Senate districts.

Complete the following application by April 18, 2022 to be eligible.


You will need a transcript and a 750 Word essay answering the following:

a. Why do you think you deserve this scholarship, and how will it help you prepare for your future?

b. Discuss, in detail, the significant, rigorous 4-H STEM or entrepreneurship competition, research project, or published manuscript that you completed. How did this experience demonstrate your potential to excel as a future innovator?

2022 4-H Mini Camp!

Registration information for our 2022 Licking County 4-H Mini Camp is now available! Mini Camp is a great opportunity for first or second year campers. Campers stay at 4-H Camp Ohio for one night and get to experience some of the basics of camp while getting to know the counselors and adult staff. This helps campers feel more confident about attending 4-H Summer Residential Camp in June. Mini Camp is also open to members who are in their last year as a Cloverbud. They may not be old enough to attend Summer Camp just yet, but they can still get an overnight camping experience this way. Mini Camp will be held Friday, May 13th through Saturday, May 14th. Registration materials can be found here and are due with payment to the the Licking County Extension Office by Friday, April 22, 2022.