Hartford Fair Small Animal Complex Buyer Signs Update

Small Animal Complex Buyer Signs:

Exhibitors are welcome to create buyer thank you signs to be hung in the Rabbit and Poultry Barn. Please turn in posters to the Senior Fair Board during your designated weigh-in (Poultry-Sunday and Rabbits-Monday). Due to safety; Senior Fair Board will be hanging all Buyer Thank You Signs.

Please review the rules below as you are creating your signs for the 2021 fair.

Buyer Thank You Signage Rules:

    • Signs should be constructed on a half poster board sheet (14”X 22”) signs.
    • Please laminate or cover with clear contact paper.
    • NO full poster board size or larger signs permitted to allow for enough space and proper airflow. Signs NOT meeting the size requirement will NOT be hung.
    • We encourage exhibitors to create flat and disposable signage. Signs will be hung flat against walls and taken down after the sale on the final Saturday.

Family Camp Returns to 4-H Camp Ohio

Family Camp at 4-H Camp Ohio is a laid back weekend to enjoy with your family and meet new people. There will be plenty of activities that the whole family can enjoy doing together, or enjoy watching each other do. If you feel like relaxing for the weekend too, that is fine!

You can register for family camp here.

Help Needed in the 4-H Center During the Fair

The 4-H Center needs volunteers to sit in the gazebo during the building’s open hours the week of the Hartford Fair. Volunteers are needed to answer questions (usually fair-goers may ask where a specific building is located or when an event is happening) and keep an eye on things. Youth are welcome to help but must have an adult with them. Each shift is one hour and shifts run from 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. each day of the fair. If each 4-H club would cover at least two shifts, we will have the full week covered. Volunteering in the 4-H Center is a very easy way to support our still project members and you can spend an hour or more cooling off in the air conditioning! If you are able to volunteer for a shift (or more), please sign up here.

REMINDER: Hartford Fair Late Entries and Corrections Due

Hartford Fair Entry Verification Letters went out in the mail last week. PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO CHECK THEM TO ENSURE YOUR ENTRIES ARE ACCURATE! Any changes or corrections MUST be made to the fair office by Saturday, July 24th. NO CHANGES OR CORRECTIONS WILL BE MADE AFTER THE JULY 24TH DEADLINE. If you have not received your verification letter, please contact Beth at browley@hartfordfair.com. We want to do our best to help everyone have a positive fair experience and much of that starts with making sure there are not mistakes or missing entries. PLEASE take the time to review your verification letter. If you have any late entries, those are also due by July 24th with the $10 late fee.

Hartford Fair Logo


Hartford Fair Lamb Cook-Off and Shepherd’s Lead Contests

Information is now available for the 2021 Hartford Fair Lamb Cook-Off and Shepherd’s Lead Contests. Participants do NOT need to be sheep exhibitors in order to participate in these contests. Please review all guidelines and requirements for each contest and then complete and return your entry form by the date and to the person listed on the entry form. There are two versions of each entry form. The regular PDF version should be used if you plan to complete a hand-written entry. If you would prefer to type your entry, please use the Fillable PDF version of the entry form.

2021 Lamb Cook-Off: PDF Version (use this version if writing out your entry) | Fillable PDF Version (use this version to type and print your entry)

2021 Shepherd’s Lead: PDF Version (use this version if writing out your entry) | Fillable PDF Version (use this version to type and print your entry)

Mulch Bedding Provided for Hartford Fair Beef Exhibitors

Hartford Fair Beef Exhibitors in the Hondros Beef Barn…

The Hartford Fair Beef Committee is happy to announce that mulch bedding will be provided for everyone in the Hondros Beef Barn this year! That’s right, no need for you to bring bedding for the barn! This is made possible through the following sponsorships: Almendinger Saw Mill – providing the mulch, Kevin Justice Trucking Co. LLC.  – providing transportation of the mulch, and Reeves Farms and B. Carr Farms – providing equipment necessary to spread the mulch throughout the barn. Please take the opportunity to express your appreciation to these sponsors, if you will be stalling in the Hondros Beef Barn.


Pre-Fair Sheep and Swine Workdays at the Hartford Fairgrounds

The following departments are seeking help to get their barns and the surrounding areas ready for fair.

Sheep: Barn cleaning and landscaping around the barn will be held on Friday, July 23, 2021 from 6:00-8:00pm.

Swine: Barn cleaning will be held on Sunday, August 1, 2021 starting at 9:00am. Come when you can, dig in, and lend a hand! Bring any tools you think might be of help: leaf blowers, rakes, brooms, wheel barrows, drills, trash bags, etc.

Hartford Fair Entry Verification Letters

Hartford Fair Entry Verification Letters went out in the mail this week. Please be sure to watch for them to arrive in the mail and then TAKE THE TIME TO CHECK THEM TO ENSURE YOUR ENTRIES ARE ACCURATE! Any changes or corrections MUST be made to the fair office by Saturday, July 24th. NO CHANGES OR CORRECTIONS WILL BE MADE AFTER THE JULY 24TH DEADLINE. If you do not receive your verification letter in the mail by Tuesday, July 13th, please contact Beth at browley@hartfordfair.com. We want to do our best to help everyone have a positive fair experience and much of that starts with making sure there are not mistakes or missing entries. PLEASE take the time to review your verification letter.

Hartford Fair Logo


REMINDER: Goat Workshop

The Goats R Us 4 H Club will offer FREE goat project workshop on Thursday, July 15 (rain or shine) for any youth exhibitor planning to participate in the Hartford Fair.

The clinic will be held from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. in Baird Arena (Sheep on the Hartford Fairgrounds. Members are welcome to bring their Meat Goats, Dairy Goats and Pygmy Goats (with collar and lead) to the workshop but it is not required in order to participate. Animals will be available to those unable to bring their own.

Workshop topics will include hands on instruction in showmanship, general care, feeding, Scrapies identification requirements, grooming, hoof trimming and working with Pack Goats.

For additional information, contact:
Laney McLaughlin | 740.927.4790
Goats R Us 4 H Club Advisor

NOTE: Please use parking lot east of horse area / horse barns

2021 Hartford Fair Horse Department Update

Attention Hartford Fair Horse Project Exhibitors and Advisors! Please read through the following message and review the documents from Senior Fair Board Director and Horse Department Chair, Alisha Tilley:

First, I applaud you for all your hard work, creativity and effort to continuously make the best better for the 2021 4-H season. The Hartford Fair is just around the corner, as a Fair Board we are excited to bring our fair family together for a FULL 2021 fair. Our goal is to provide our exhibitors the opportunity to safely compete and have fun at The Hartford Independent Fair.

We have received many great questions in the last month. Outlined below are common questions we wanted to pass along to help you prepare for the 2021 fair. Many of the answers can be found in the rules section of the entry information I have attached for review/distribution to your members: Junior Fair Dept 110 Horses and Ponies

If you have questions in the coming weeks, please do not hesitate to ask if you are not sure or something appears unclear regarding rules for our 2021 fair via email at equine.education@hotmail.com.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Are we allowed to decorate our stalls?

Yes, we encourage clubs to decorate their stalls and the ends of barns. Please keep in mind the rules regarding decorating stalls. We ask no stall decorations to be attached with nails or screws. Additionally, we discourage the use of staples and tape.

Stall decorations and tack boxes are permitted to be placed starting Thursday, August 5th.

Keep in mind you are placing tack boxes and all décor at your own risk. We encourage all exhibitors to safely secure their items with locks etc.

When are Stalled horses moving in?

Those who are choosing to stall will move their horse or pony onto the grounds Saturday, August 7, 2021 6:00am to 2:00pm. At this time, Vet check will be held at the stalls at a time to be announced during the Barn meeting.

When are stalled horses released?

All stalled horses, décor, and tack boxes should be removed by 11:00am on Saturday, August 14, 2021. Our intent is to allow time for the complex to be cleaned in preparation for the open show exhibitors moving into the complex and parking area at 1:00pm.

All stalls should be cleaned in accordance with department rules.

When is grading?

Grading will be held for stalled horses immediately following the barn meeting on Saturday evening. Also, grading will take place each morning 8:00-9:00 for exhibitors choosing to haul-in.

Tack Stalls:

We will again try to provide tack stalls to every club to allow for extra storage of tack and equipment. No hay is to be stored in the barns; it is a fire hazard.  Tack stalls are storage areas, there is no selling of animals, show clothes or products during the fair out of tack stalls!

Please keep in mind department rules regarding stall usage to ensure the safety of all exhibitors and animals.

Rule 14:

  1. No Hanging of any air-chairs, hammocks or swings of any kind in the aisles or from the barn.  Tack boxes and equipment should NOT block any aisles in barns.
  2. No Crock pots, fridges or cooking devices to be plugged in tack stall or aisles.

Exhibitor Packets:

Each exhibitor will receive their back number, patterns, and department rules and schedule after they grade. We will NOT be hanging patterns this year to cut down on areas for people to gather.

 Wash rack etiquette:

Please clean up after yourself and your horse when you are done using the wash rack this includes supplies and manure.

 Pop-Up Tents:

Two Pop-Up Tents per 4-H Club Permitted. Tents must be located against the fence area and not a safety hazard for exhibitors, spectators or horses. Additionally, tents are not to be used for overnight camping and left at owners risk.

 Haul-In Horses/Ponies:

In 2021 haul-in exhibitors will stall with their club. Advisors, please provide how many haul-in stalls you will need each day by July 28, 2021 to Alisha Tilley via email at equine.education@hotmail.com. In your email please include your club name with your number of haul-in stalls.

 We realize some haul-in exhibitors may not need/want a stall. Please confirm how many haul-in stalls each day you expect to need for those choosing to stall for the day they are showing.  For example you have 12 members in your club, 6 of them are stalling, but you will only have 2 exhibitors hauling in each day. We will designate 2 haul in stalls in your block of stalls for your club. Keep in mind your club will be responsible for sanitizing the stalls between exhibitors.

Our goal is to try to meet each clubs desired per day haul-in stall need. Please keep in mind the exhibitors who have requested a stall are first priority. Also, these stalls are going to be haul-in and out same day, this is not an opportunity to stall a second horse.

Rule 14(c) still applies: Only one horse or pony per exhibitor may be stalled at the fair, No switching of horses.

The haul-in rules still apply, horses or ponies are expected to be off the grounds at the conclusion of the show.


Below is a volunteer sign-up sheet for grading, trash clean up and gates. We are going to need extra help each day to clean up and put trash cans out for pick up and pull them back into the complex post pick up. 2021 Hartford Fair Horse Department Volunteer Sign Up


We will maintain our senior wall in the front barn for the 2021 fair. Exhibitors who will be graduating out of 4-H this year are welcome to create poster to be hung on the senior wall. Turn in posters to the announcer’s booth during the barn meeting to be hung by the Senior or Junior Fair Board.

Senior Poster Rules:

    • Signs should be constructed on a half poster board sheet (14”X 22”).
    • Please laminate or cover with clear contact paper as they will be outside.
    • No wooden, metal, or full poster board size signs permitted to allow for enough space for everyone.

Opening Ceremonies:

We will hold opening ceremony to present the colors, show case our clubs and send off our graduating seniors. Advisors, If your club or senior club members would like to participate in opening ceremonies to complete the appropriate form and return to Alisha via email equine.education@hotmail.com by July 28, 2021.

Opening Ceremony Registration | Senior Final Ride Registration

Dash for Cash Open Barrel Show:

If my child would like to participate in the open barrel show, do I need to vacate the stall at the scheduled release time?

No, exhibitors entered in Dash for Cash should advise the Senior Fair Board during the barn meeting if they plan to use their stall. All applicable fees will apply as outline in the Dash for Cash rules and entry information. Dash for Cash Open Show Flyer

Again, thank you for all your hard work with your clubs. Please take time to review with your club all the rules in the attached document. Please feel free to reach out anytime you may have a question. Due to my work schedule, I can be best reached via email at equine.education@hotmail.com.


Alisha Tilley

Horse Department Chair

Hartford Independent Fair