2021 Hartford Fair Entry and Photo ID Information

Instructions for completing your 2021 Hartford Fair Junior Fair entries are now available along with information on who needs to have their photo taken for photo IDs and how to do so. Please review the document from the Hartford Fair found here for instructions.

ID Badge Pictures:
All ID Pictures will be taken at the Hartford Fair Office or Babcock Building between May 1st and June 18th.
Check the Hartford Fair website www.hartfordfair.com for dates and times available.

Exhibitor Picture ID’s:
Who needs to have a picture taken this year? All exhibitors with a last name beginning with A thru M. Those with last name beginning with N thru Z and did not have an exhibit last year will also need a picture ID.
Who does not need a new picture taken this year? If your last name begins with N thru Z and you received a 2020 ID Photo Badge. A new badge will be issued with the last photo on file.

Advisor Picture ID’s:
All new advisors will need to have a picture taken.
In order to stay on our 3‐year cycle anyone that did not have a picture take at the 2019 Advisor’s training or in the office last year will need to have one this year. Note: All advisor pictures will be taken again in 2022.

NOTE: If you are unsure please email browley@hartfordfair.com and we will tell you if you need a new picture.

4-H Food and Clothing Project Workshops

The Licking County 4-H Food and Fashion Board will be hosting their Food & Clothing Projects Workshop again this year. This workshop is designed to help members who are new to a food or clothing project learn what they will need to do to complete their project and have their questions answered. The workshop will be held on Saturday, May 15, 2021 and will have two sessions. The Foods Project Session will begin at 1:00p.m. and run until 2:00p.m. There will then be a break for us to sanitize and prepare and then the Clothing Project Session will begin at 2:30p.m. and run until 3:30p.m. Members are welcome to register for just one session or both if they would like.

Participants are required to bring one parent/guardian or their “project helper” (the adult helping them with their project) for the workshop. They are encouraged to bring their project book along with any other parts of their project for which they would like help (i.e. sewing pattern, sewing machine, foods project portfolio, etc.).

We are continuing to follow all Ohio 4-H guidelines for in-person programming:

  • All participants will wear mask for the entirety of the program and while inside the building.
  • Please practice social distancing of at least six feet as much as possible.
  • Please do not bring any additional persons with you (only the participant and their parent/guardian/project helper should attend). We have a limited amount of space and will not have room for extra individuals in the room.
  • Do not attend if you or someone you have been in contact with has symptoms of COVID.

We are limiting each session to eight participants. You can register here. If a session is not available to select, that means it is full. Registration deadline is Wednesday, May 12, 2021.

Community Service Grants for ServeOhio Day

4-H Clubs looking for financial support for a service activity or event… ServeOhio may have a grant for you!

ServeOhio – along with partners American Electric Power Foundation and AmeriCorps – is pleased to announce the availability of grants to support community service projects organized for ServeOhio Day on June 19, 2021. ServeOhio Day coincides with the summer solstice – the day with the longest period of daylight in the year – providing the most ample opportunity to volunteer annually. Grant awards will range between $500 to $2,000.

How can the funding be used?

The grants support projects that create or improve community assets or infrastructure such as parks, schools, senior centers, community gardens or low-income homes through volunteer engagement. Funds may be used for supplies, materials and volunteer support.

Who is eligible to apply?

Non-profit and public organizations in Ohio including, but not limited to, volunteer centers, school districts, community colleges, universities, and local governments are eligible to apply.

Ready to apply?

For the application and instructions, visit the ServeOhio website. The application deadline is May 18, 2021 at 11:59 PM.

Send S’more Kids to Camp

The Ohio 4-H Foundation is hosting a fundraiser to Send S’more Kids to Camp in support of the Ohio 4-H Camping facilities again this spring. Camp Ohio, along with eleven other 4-H camps throughout Ohio will be participating in this fundraiser. The fundraiser will begin on May 24th and run through June (or possibly later). There are several way s that you can be involved:

  • Make a Donation! Any amounts may be donated; however, donors will receive exclusive 4-H camp themed candles if they donate $150 or more as well as a camp songbook. We will share the donation link once it becomes available.
  • 4-H members can participate in the artwork contest! Winning artwork will be used on the various incentives for those who donate. For all guidelines and to submit your design, visit go.osu.edu/4Hart. All artwork is due by May 12, 2021.
  • Please spread the word! Once the fundraiser campaign has started, please share the information far and wide. 4-H Camp Ohio is special to so many and has impacted thousands of lives throughout it’s long history. Please share the information so we reach more people who may want to give a little back to camp.

2021 Rabbit and Poultry Royalty Applications Are Now Available

The 2021 Rabbit Royalty and 2021 Poultry Royalty applications are now available. Please refer to the requirements, guidelines, and due dates for each application.

2021 Licking County 4-H Rabbit Royalty Application – Due Wednesday, May 19, 2021 to the address listed on the application.

2021 Licking County 4-H Poultry Royalty Application – Due Friday, May 21, 2021 to the address listed on the application.

OSU Emerging Adulthood Health Project

A professor from the Ohio State University is completing a study on health behaviors of youth in Ohio. She is looking for teens and young adults who are willing to participate in this online study. Participants can earn Amazon gift cards. Please note: minors must have parent/guardian permission to participate. Take the screener survey to see if you are eligible: http://www.go.osu.edu/EAHP

2021 Horse ID and Show Category Confirmation Forms Due April 27th

2021 Licking County 4-H Horse ID Forms as well as the Horse Show Category Confirmation Forms are both due on Tuesday April 27, 2021. Both forms should be submitted together along with the filing fee by either mailing them to: LC4-HHPC PO Box 87, Kirkersville, OH 43033 or you can deliver them in person to a representative of the Licking County 4-H Horse & Pony Council who will be in the conference room of the Licking County OSU Extension Office between 10:00am and 1:00pm on Tuesday, April 27, 2021. Please review the forms for all requirements before submitting.

2021 Market Chick and Duck Pool Orders Due April 30th

All exhibitors planning to enter the Market Chicken or Market Duck classes at the Hartford Fair must purchase their birds through the Hartford Fair Market Chicken Pool and Market Duck Pool. Orders for both pools are due to the Licking County Extension Office by 4:00pm on Friday, April 30th. Please mail in or drop off completed forms with payment before the deadline. Those purchasing birds through the pools will receive email communication with information on when/where to pick up their birds once that date has been finalized.