4-H CARTEENS Facilitators Needed

The Licking County 4-H CARTEENS program is looking for teen facilitators. The 4-H CARTEENS is a teen leadership program in partnership with the Licking County Juvenile Courts to teach safe driving practices to minors who have made traffic violations. The program is held once a month, typically on the first Thursday of the month, from 5:00-7:00pm. Facilitators help set up the materials, check in participants, introduce speakers, and work with groups with hands-on activities.

Youth should be at least 15-years-old to become a facilitator. CARTEENS can help teens to focus on learning leadership and public speaking skills. It is a great opportunity for those teens who may want to be involved in a 4-H Teen Leader activity, but may not have the time to commit to some of the more time intensive opportunities. Hours working with CARTEENS are eligible for school volunteer requirements and facilitators are eligible to apply for a scholarship their senior year of high school.

If you have questions or would be interested in becoming a CARTEENS facilitator, please contact Adrienne at anderson.1410@osu.edu or 740.670.5315.