Teen Driver Safety Billboard Contest

The Licking County Health Department (LCHD) and Licking County Safe Communities Coalition, through support from State FarmĀ®, is challenging Licking County high school students to create a public service announcement (PSA) billboard to educate their peers about teen driver safety.

The winning design will be displayed on a local billboard and the creator will be awarded $500.

Motor-vehicle crashes are the number one killer of teens. The goal of the contest is to raise awareness leading up to National Teen Driver Safety Week, October 18 through 24.

The contest requires students to create their own billboard design with a PSA for teen driver safety and includes one of the following areas of teen driver safety: seat belts, distracted driving, speed, and peer pressure. The billboard design can be created using whatever media they are most comfortable with, including graphic design, drawing, painting, photography, etc. When using facts and statistics, students should use credible sources (i.e. teendriversource.org, safecar.gov), or through their own research.

A panel of judges will select the winning entry based on the following criteria: relevance, originality, creativity, aesthetic quality, and how well the message of teen driver safety is communicated through the design. A winner will be selected and announced through a press release to the community and their artwork will be displayed on billboards in Licking County for one month in recognition of National Teen Driver Safety Week.

The winning design will receive a prize of $500. The referring teacher or school will receive $300 for promoting the contest. Homeschooled students are invited to participate.

For questions or more information, please contact Jon Kraus, Safe Communities Coordinator, at (740) 349-6500 or JKraus@lickingcohealth.org. See official rules here.