In an effort to keep exhibitors and judges safe, Rabbit and Poultry Showmanship is cancelled for the 2020 Hartford Independent Fair.
Our goal is to provide exhibitors, their families, judges and attendees a safe and fun fair experience. With the evolving landscape of holding our fair during this unprecedented time please reference The Hartford Independent Fair and Licking County 4-H website and social media pages for current information.
Rabbit and Poultry Reminders for 2020 Fair: Please reference the Entry Page under forms on for complete rules and order of show.
· Rabbit and Poultry shows will be haul-in ONLY. There is NO stalling available!
· No Club Decorations in the barn.
· Market exhibitors will take their project home after the show. There will NOT be a packer (meat donation) truck this year for rabbits or poultry.
· No Animals will be at the sale.
· Buyer Thank You Signs:
o Permitted to be constructed on a half poster board sheet (14”X 22”).
o No wooden, metal, vinyl, or full poster board size signs permitted to be hung in the barn.
o Exhibitors will turn in Buyer Thank You Signs to the Fair Board during the show (Poultry on Sunday or Rabbits on Monday).
o The Fair Board will hang ALL signs after the show and dispose of signs after the fair. Buyer Thank You Signs will NOT be returned to the exhibitors.
Updated Rabbit and Poultry Schedule:
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Poultry Show at the B. Carr Pavilion:
Market Poultry Weigh-In: 7:00 am to 9:00 am
Poultry Barn Meeting: 9:00 am
Poultry Show: 9:30 am
Poultry Poster Contest: Turn Posters in by 9:30 am to Junior Fair Board
Monday, August 10, 2020
Rabbit Show at the B. Carr Pavilion:
Market Rabbit Weigh-In: 7:00 am to 9:00 am
Rabbit Barn Meeting: 9:00 am
Rabbit Show: 9:30 am
-Market Show will start with Pen of Three First
-Breeding Show will not begin before 12:00 pm
Rabbit Poster Contest: Turn Posters in by 9:30 am to Junior Fair Board