Hartford Fair Entries Due Soon

All 2019 Hartford Fair entries are due by 5:00pm on Saturday, June 29, 2019. Entry blanks can be found in the Official Hartford Fair Premium Book or on the Hartford Fair Website.

Please remember that all Junior Fair Entries must be signed by your club advisor. If the entry is for a livestock project, the advisor signing the entry form must have attended an approved Quality Assurance training by the June 1 deadline. Should you need information on the number of animals that you can exhibit for each species, please refer to the Livestock Requirements Summary. This document also has important dates such as taggings, weigh-ins, and possession dates.

Non-livestock projects that are to be displayed in the 4-H Center should be entered on the Junior Fair Still Project Entry Form. If your club will have a booth to display projects, your entry form should be given to your advisor so that your advisor can turn all of the club’s entries for the club booth in together. Advisors should fill out the club booth entry form and turn in the club’s entries in an alphabetized stack with the club booth entry form on top of the stack.

An example of a Junior Fair Still Project Entry Form for those displaying their project(s) in their club’s booth…

If your club will not have a booth and you would like to display your still project in the Miscellaneous Booth in the 4-H Center, please fill out and turn in the Junior Fair Still Project Entry Form.

An example of a Junior Fair Still Project Entry Form for those displaying their project(s) in the Miscellaneous Booth…

If you do not turn in your fair entries by the June 29, 2019 deadline, late entries can still be turned in up to July 13, 2019 with a $10 late fee per entry.