4-H Special Needs Camp is July 5th-7th, 2019

“4-H is for everyone,” but sometimes accessibility issues deny youth with disabilities the opportunity to attend camp. In Ohio, a statewide 4-H camp is held at Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp in Jackson, Ohio for young people with disabilities and their caregivers.  Being a typical kid is what Camp is all about and it is no different for special needs youth. Our goal is to give Campers a true experience of Camp while meeting their needs and letting them set their own pace for fun and success!

The Camp allows youth to actively participate in activities such as environmental science, crafts, music therapy, outdoor education, aquatic skills, and self-reliability.  The youth, along with their caregivers, enjoy 2 nights and 2 days of a camping experience that may not have been available otherwise through 4-H.

If you would like more information about attending or supporting Special Needs Camp at Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp, please contact Michelle Stumbo, Camp Program Director, at 740-992-6696 or Stumbo.5@osu.edu.

2019 Registration Form is available here!