If you haven’t done so already, it is time to enroll your children for 2019! Enrollments are due April 1st! For those who were enrolled last year and who are remaining with the same club, your family should receive a bright green postcard that has your login information along with a few helpful hints and reminders. The website to login is www.4honline.com. Below are some helpful reminds as well as some situations you may fall into and what to do if you are in that situation.
Logging In:
Please take the time NOW to log into the system to make sure you can do so. Please do not wait until the last minute to log in because if you have an issue or don’t remember your password, it will take time to fix. DO NOT CREATE A SECOND FAMILY PROFILE. Anyone who has been enrolled in 4-H at any point from 2014 to present should already have a profile in the system.
If you remember your password from last year: Log in using your email address and then enroll each child who is participating for this year.
If you forgot your password: Use the “I Forgot My Password” option to have a temporary password sent to your email address which will allow you to log in and then set a new password. You can then enroll your children.
If you forgot your password and you no longer have access to the email address you used last year: Please email Adrienne at anderson.1410@osu.edu with the name(s) of your child(ren) and the new email you wish to use and she will change the email address in the system. You will then follow the “I Forgot My Password” option to set a new password.
Joining a Club:
If you’re remaining in the same club as last year: Last year’s club(s) will automatically be in each child’s enrollment.
You’re switching clubs: When you enroll each child, please delete the current club listed and add the new club in the participation section of the enrollment process.
You’re joining a second/third club: Add each additional club under the participation section in each child’s enrollment.
If your children have been enrolled in Licking County 4-H in the past, but were not enrolled last year, your children are likely “archived” in the system. Please contact Adrienne at anderson.1410@osu.edu so that she can reactivate them so that you can enroll them for 2019.
Adding Projects:
Last year’s projects will automatically populate in each child’s enrollment. If your child is taking the same project again this year (i.e. 139 Market Hog), you can leave the project there. If you have a project listed that you took last year but are not taking this year, please delete the project. When adding projects, be sure to click the “Add Project” button after you select each project from the drop down menu.
Moving Out of Licking County or Into Licking County:
If you are moving out of Licking County into a different county program: Please email Adrienne at anderson.1410@osu.edu with your children’s names and which county you are moving to and she can move your profile to that county.
If you are moving into Licking County from another county program: Please contact your current county’s office and ask them to move your profile to Licking County.
Submitting Enrollments:
Please do not submit your child’s enrollment until you are certain it is complete. It will change the status to “pending”. Once the enrollment has been reviewed at our county office, it will either be approved or sent back to you. If it is approved, the status will change to “active”. If it is sent back to you, an email as to why it was sent back (i.e. no projects are listed) will be sent to you so that you can fix the enrollment and resubmit it.
Once an enrollment is submitted and approved, you will no longer be able to add/delete clubs. Any of those changes must be done through our office. You can, however, add/delete projects up until the April 1st deadline. After that, all project changes must be done through our office. No changes will be made after April 30th.
Help Sheets:
Help sheets as well as a video can be found on our How to Join 4-H page.