All steers and heifers (including Delaware, Knox & Licking Counties) that may be exhibited during the 2019 Hartford Junior Fair Market Steer & Heifer show must be marked by ear tag and tattoo on SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 2019, at the Hartford fairgrounds (Grubb Arena – West End) between 9 a.m. and noon. Up to four (4) steers or heifers can be tagged for the Hartford Fair per exhibitor.
Tagging fee is $1.00 per tagged animal. Exhibitors must complete a registration card for each animal, which requires the exhibitor’s signature. If the exhibitor will be unable to attend weigh-in procedures, please stop by the Licking County Extension Office and pick up the registration card(s) to be signed by exhibitor in advance.
OSF Junior Fair Market Steer / Heifer DNA samples will NOT be collected during Hartford Fair Steer / Heifer Weigh-In. OSF DNA samples must be submitted by the exhibitor directly to the OSF by no later than January 15th. For additional information, contact Lisa McCutcheon at DNA sample packets are available by contacting the Ohio State Fair directly, or your local Extension office may have some available. See attachment for additional details.
Questions? Give us a call at 740-670-5315. In case of inclement weather conditions, listen to WCLT-AM, WHTH-AM, or visit for an announcement. Announcement will also be made on the Hartford Fair and Licking County 4-H Facebook pages. Make-up date, if necessary, will be Saturday, January 26, 2019.
What happens if you miss weigh in for feeder steers?