Changes to Our Office Staff

If you have called into our office or stopped in to pick something up or turn in a form, you most likely had the pleasure of speaking with our friend and colleague, Melissa Swearingen. Melissa has worked in the Licking County OSU Extension Office for 14 years and has been the main 4-H support staff member since 2010. She has been the one to keep our website up-to-date, ensures we have the 4-H books we need and most recently, spearheaded Licking County 4-H’s move to family online enrollment.  It is with bittersweet feelings that we share that Melissa has taken a position at the Licking County Board of Developmental Disabilities. While we are sad to see her go, we are happy that she has this new opportunity to share her expertise and we wish her only the best on her new adventure.  Melissa’s final day with OSU Extension will be Thursday, September 20th.

As you have 4-H related questions and needs, please be sure to email Lisa ( or Adrienne ( We ask that you are patient with us as our office adjusts to this change.