Entries for the Cloverbud Pledge, Demonstrations Contests and Health & Safety Speaking Contests are due to the Licking County OSU Extension Office by Friday, June 1, 2018. If you are interested in these contests, please check with your advisor to enter your member.
Guidelines for the contests can be found on our website at:
Communication Days (Demonstration Contest and Marketing Contest): https://licking.osu.edu/sites/licking/files/imce/Program_Pages/4H/MemberResources/2018CommunicationDays_1.pdf
Health and Safety Team Talk/Skit Contest Information: https://licking.osu.edu/sites/licking/files/imce/Program_Pages/4H/MemberResources/2018HealthSafetySkitsContestRules.pdf
Health and Safety Individual Public Speaking Contest Information: https://licking.osu.edu/sites/licking/files/imce/Program_Pages/4H/MemberResources/2018Health%20SafetySpeaking.pdf