Forage Focus: Reseeding Damaged Pastures and Hay Fields

In this edition of Forage Focus, host Christine Gelley, an Extension Educator with The Ohio State University Agriculture & Natural Resources in Noble County is joined by Jessie Radcliff from Noble Soil and Water. This month’s topic focuses on reseeding pastures and making new hay seedings. Christine and Jessie will discuss proper seeding depth, seeding rates, calibrating the seeder, soil testing, proper timing, differences between annual and perennial forages, and harvest management for new seedings.

Do note that planting date cut offs mentioned in this clip are not concrete since we never know how long fall will last, how early winter will come, or how much rain we will get as we experienced this spring. Often times forage seedings may be planted into September, but as noted, we take a risk with the uncertainty of weather patterns. In addition, it is important to note the charts shown in this example apply to perennial forages sown and grown in southern Ohio. As you move north in the state, the suggested planting dates will differ slightly.