– Garth Ruff, Beef Cattle Field Specialist, OSU Extension

Are you getting what you pay for?
There are many things I could write about for the Expo issue of the Ohio Cattleman, buying bulls (more on that later), mud (it’s been everywhere), cost of raising replacement heifers (not cheap if done right). Instead let’s talk about a topic that’s been on my mind and the minds of others recently given the economy and other issues: Value.
Meriam Webster defines Value in several different ways 1) the monetary worth of something: MARKET PRICE, 2) a fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged, 3) relative worth, utility, or importance.
To determine Market Value, I subscribe that it’s up to a buyer and the seller/provider to determine value themselves for a good or service and it’s up to the buyer to know where their cost threshold is. I would also propose in many instances that you get what you pay for, until you don’t. Let me provide Continue reading You Get What You Pay For, Until You Don’t