Logic Magazine–cfp

Call for Pitches: Logic Magazine (print) on Tech in China

Logic is a magazine about technology and society that publishes three times per year. We’re trying to ask the right questions about how technology works, and whom it works for.

The “world’s factory” has long been patronized as a place of copying, rather than creativity. But in fact, since its founding, the People’s Republic has been driven by dreams of rapid innovation, with engineers turned politicians drafting policy at Beidaihe. Apps in China now operate at scales American entrepreneurs only dream of. Our bilingual China issue will explore the situation on the ground, from Shandong villages whose inhabitants all work for Alibaba to biometrics surveillance of large swathes of the population. Tracing trans-Pacific flows of data and labor, we will sketch the new global map that Chinese tech is drawing.

We’re seeking reported articles, features, essays, and profiles. We pay $150 for shorter essays of 1000-1200 words, and $400 for longer features of 2000-3000 words and up.


《逻辑》(英文名LOGIC) 是一本一年三刊的关于科技与社会的杂志。我们致力于提出关于科技是如何工作的、以及它为谁服务的恰当问题。我们力图读者可以更深刻了解科技对社会的影响。

“世界工厂” 素来被视为山寨之地,而非创造之地。 但实际上,人民共和国自成立以来,一直受到快速现代化和创新梦想的驱使,与此同时,工程师们也成了在中南海起草政策的政治家。如今,中国的应用程序的使用规模达到了美国企业家们梦寐以求的水平。我们的《逻辑中国》双语版期刊将实地考察这一情况——从整个村庄都为阿里巴巴工作的山东淘宝村,到对大片人口进行生物识别上的监测。通过追踪跨太平洋的数据和劳动力流动,我们将描画出中国科技正在绘制的崭新的全球图景。


Please send pitches to editors@logicmag.io by September 1 with the subject line “Pitch: China Issue.”文章方案提交方式:请2018年9月1日前提交短文章方案。方案提交发送至 editors@logicmag.io,邮件标题栏请注明 “Pitch: China Issue.”


Posted by: Xiaowei Wang <xrw@berkeley.edu>

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