Bulletin of Institute of Modern History 95

Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History, no. 95 [Special Issue]

The latest issue of Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Vol. 95 is now available online at: http://www.mh.sinica.edu.tw/bulletins.aspx

Special Issue on Urban Guidebooks and Representations of Space


Spatial Features of Temple Destruction Campaigns in Modern Chinese Cities
By Paul R. Katz

The City and the Seaside: Constructing Leisure Culture and Space at Beidaihe, 1890s-1930s
By Poon Shuk-wah

City Guidebooks and the Spatial Transformation of Modern Qingdao
By Ma Shuhua‧Zhao Chengguo

[Book Reviews]

Matthew H. Sommer, Polyandry and Wife-Selling in Qing Dynasty China: Survival Strategies and Judicial Interventions, Reviewed by Zhang Meng-zhu

Duan Zhiqiang, The Gu Temple: Gu Yanwu and the Remolding of the Political Personality of Scholars in the Late Qing Dynasty, Reviewed by Yan Yuhao

Posted by: Jhih-hong Jheng <bimhas60@gmail.com>

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