Time for Change Week coming

Ohio State’s 2019 Time for Change Week, featuring a busy lineup of 20 sustainability-related talks and activities, runs next week, April 1–7, on the Columbus campus. First up, on Monday, April 1, is a Sustainability Fair in the Ohio Union from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. (displays, demonstrations, giveaways, etc.) and an Environmental Justice Dinner and Dialogue from 5:30–7 p.m. in The Blackwell. You need to RSVP for the latter.

Find the week’s schedule and other details.

‘Women across the globe are leading the way’

Nicole Jackson, Frances Beinecke, and Heather Taylor-Miesle preview 2019’s Environmental Professionals Network (EPN) Signature Event, “Women in Conservation,” in the video above. The free public event is set for April 8 in Columbus.

Jackson is EPN’s program coordinator. Beinecke is a former president of the Natural Resources Defense Council, a 2007 winner of the Rachel Carson Award, and one of the event’s featured speakers. Taylor-Miesle is executive director of the Ohio Environmental Council and will serve as the event’s facilitator.

Find details about attending.

On women, leadership, and conservation

“Women in Conservation” is the theme of this year’s Signature Event by CFAES’ Environmental Professionals Network, set for April 8 in Columbus, and in that spirit, check out this 2012 conversation between Nina Simons and Terry Tempest Williams, which was serendipitously mentioned in an email today from the environmental group Bioneers. Simons co-founded Bioneers and is the author of Nature, Culture, and the Sacred: A Woman Listens for Leadership. Williams is a conservationist, educator, and author, including of 2012’s When Women Were Birds. In their conversation, the email said, the two discuss Williams’ book, “how women find their voices, and the relationship between inner reflection and outward activism.”

Find out more about the April 8 event.

How climate change is affecting the Great Lakes

In areas from rainfall to lake levels, fish to algal blooms, shipping to agriculture, drinking water quality to public health, “Climate change is causing significant and far-reaching impacts on the Great Lakes and the Great Lakes region.”

That’s according to the science-based Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change on the Great Lakesreleased last week by the nonprofit Environmental Law & Policy Center, based in Chicago, and the nonprofit Chicago Council on Global Affairs.

Continue reading How climate change is affecting the Great Lakes

EPN event to focus on women in conservation

The Environmental Professionals Network’s (EPN) 2019 Signature Event, set for April 8, will focus on “Women in Conservation.” The event will highlight “the role that female conservationists have played in leading humanity’s protection and improvement of natural resources,” its website says.

Continue reading EPN event to focus on women in conservation

It’s spring, peeps! Check out this workshop

The 2019 Ohio River Valley Woodland and Wildlife Workshop is later this week: it’s Saturday, March 30, at Clifty Falls State Park in Madison, Indiana. It’s especially for woodland owners in Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky; features natural resource experts from those three states, including from CFAES (CFAES is one of the event’s organizers); and offers 13 sessions on interesting aspects of the trees and wildlife that live on your land.

Continue reading It’s spring, peeps! Check out this workshop

Got a small farm? Get new ideas

Get ideas for the coming growing season at CFAES’ Small Farm Conference and Trade Show.

Set for March 29-30 at CFAES’ South Centers in Piketon and with a theme of “Opening Doors for Success,” the event will offer ideas for how your farm can work even better for you.

About 30 sessions in nine tracks will cover a variety of topics, from pawpaws to aquaculture, hydroponics to growing mushrooms, soil health to marketing to a produce cooler you can build yourself—“a cool bot system for the farm.” The first day offers a workshop on hops and a training session on meeting requirements of the Food Safety and Modernization Act.

See the agenda and list of sessions. Find out more about the sessions.

Registration costs vary. Find complete details and register online.

Compost operator course coming soon

CFAES’ 2019 Ohio Compost Operator Education Course, planned for anyone involved with commercial and large-scale composting, is coming soon, set for March 27–28 on CFAES’ Wooster campus. Some of the many topics to be covered: principles, biology, testing, marketing, and site design and management.

Registration is $275 for the first participant from an organization or company; $225 for each additional participant from the same organization or company; and includes materials, continental breakfast, and lunch.

For a list of all the topics, location and other details, and a registration form, download the flyer for the course.