The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program (or SARE) has grants available to farmers, and CFAES educator Mike Hogan can help you turn your idea for one into a fleshed-out, fundable proposal.
Month: January 2019
Protecting organic corn from pollen drift
CFAES agronomist Peter Thomison and Amalie Lipstreu of the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA) will co-present “Pollen Drift Contamination of Organic and Non-GMO Corn: Knowing the Risks and Taking Action” in a concurrent workshop from 8:30–10 a.m. Friday, Feb. 15, at OEFFA’s annual conference. It’s one of nearly 80 workshops scheduled for the conference.
Winter tip: Keep plants from getting salty
Frozen? Trying to unfreeze? Pam Bennett, plant specialist with CFAES, has tips to help you keep your trees and lawn safe from too much rock salt. (Photo: Getty Images.)
A ‘window into the soil’
The answers to growing better crops are under your feet if you look. So says CFAES soil fertility specialist Steve Culman, who’s helping lead an upcoming workshop on how to test your soil.
Join roundtable for growers of specialty crops
CFAES’ OSU Extension outreach arm is hosting a specialty crop growers’ roundtable from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 4 in Wooster.
Continue reading Join roundtable for growers of specialty crops
Using netting against spotted wing drosophila
The spotted wing drosophila is a tiny non-native fly, about two pinheads in size, resembling the common vinegar fly, that’s a big growing pain for small fruit.
Continue reading Using netting against spotted wing drosophila
Register soon for OEFFA conference
Online registration for the 2019 Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association annual conference, set for Feb. 14–16 in Dayton, ends Monday, Jan. 28. Find out more.
Registration at the door will be available, too, but it doesn’t reserve a seat for the conference’s meals, special events, and Food and Farm School, and also costs $5 more.
CFAES is a Sustainer level sponsor of the conference, whose theme is “Just Farming: The Path Before Us.”
‘Dig into soil health’ at special free workshop
An upcoming workshop will give you advice on how to test and improve your soil. Called “Digging into Soil Health: What Tests Can Tell Us About Our Soil,” the event is set for 1–4:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 14, in Dayton, ahead of the annual conference of the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA).
Continue reading ‘Dig into soil health’ at special free workshop
Register soon for specialty crop conference
CFAES’ 2019 Southern Ohio Specialty Crop Conference—featuring topics related to fruits, vegetables, cultural practices, and insect and disease control (there’s even a session on commercial pawpaw production)—is set for Feb. 5 near Cincinnati. Registration is $50 and is limited to 75 people.
See the complete agenda and register. (Photo: Pawpaw fruit, Scott Bauer, U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service.)
Zoo animal behavior talk on tap
Wouter Stellaard, animal programs training director at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, presents “Zoo Animal Behavior and Training” from 5:30–6:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 24, in the Animal Sciences Arena in the Animal Science Building on Ohio State’s Columbus campus. Admission is free and open to the public. The host is the Human-Animal Interactions Club, which is the undergraduate student arm of our college’s Center for Human-Animal Interactions Research and Education (or CHAIRE).