The 2019 Ohio River Valley Woodland and Wildlife Workshop is later this week: it’s Saturday, March 30, at Clifty Falls State Park in Madison, Indiana. It’s especially for woodland owners in Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky; features natural resource experts from those three states, including from CFAES (CFAES is one of the event’s organizers); and offers 13 sessions on interesting aspects of the trees and wildlife that live on your land.
Help your woods and wildlife grow
There will be sessions, for example, on protecting tree seedlings from deer, managing woods for bees and other beneficial pollinators, managing woods for deer, identifying trees, identifying snakes (which are good to have around, for example, for controlling slugs and mice), evaluating vernal pools (which are essential springtime breeding grounds for frogs, toads, and salamanders), forecasting timber prices, and determining whether you can make maple syrup and also make money doing it.
Register soon
Registration is $55 and includes lunch. Advance registration is required. Register online.
Download the flyer. Read session details. (Photo: Spring peeper, Getty Images.)