Trans Asia Photography 13.2


We are thrilled to announce that the latest issue of Trans Asia Photography is now available online!

VOL.13, NO.2 (Fall 2023)

Yi Gu

Research Articles
Emilie Boone, “A Photo Album’s Redrawn Color Line: On Black Freedom in Japan, 1947–1949”

Lisa Trivedi, “(In)visible Subjects: Pranlal Patel’s Women at Work in Ahmedabad, India, 1937”

Shaowen Zhang, “Mending Memory by Hand and Brush: Socialist China’s Colored Photographs”

Jennifer Yang, “Haunted Images: Unsettling History and Traumatic Memory in Tintin Wulia’s Artmaking”

Dorothee Xiaolong Hou, “Framing China’s Uneven Urban Landscape: An Interview with Chen Ronghui”

Yi Gu, “Xianshi de tanqiu: Taiwan sheyingshi xinggoukao [Reclaiming Reality: On the Historical Formation of Taiwanese Photography]”

We hope that you enjoy the latest issue and invite you to share it with your networks.

Deepali Dewan, Yi Gu, and Thy Phu (co-editors)

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