Joint Postgraduate Student Symposium 2019–cfp

Call for Papers for the Joint Postgraduate Student Symposium on Language, Culture and Cognition (JPSS 2019).

Introduction and Aims:

The Faculty of Humanities (FH) of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University is pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the Joint Postgraduate Student Symposium on Language, Culture and Cognition (JPSS) to be held on the 26thApril 2019 at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, hosted by the Department of Chinese Culture. The Department of Chinese Culture was established in September 2008. It aims to expand knowledge of Chinese Literature, Chinese History, Chinese Philosophy, Chinese Religion and Chinese Art.

The symposium will provide an inter-departmental forum for research students from different disciplines to present and discuss their work, exchange ideas and share their experiences in research. Scholars and experts of language, culture and cognition will be invited to address the symposium, in a panel discussion workshop.


We invite abstracts for 20 minute oral presentations. This includes 15 minutes of presentations and a 5 minute Question and Answer time. We welcome papers that include (but not limited to) the following topics:

  • Cultural Studies
  • History
  • Literature
  • Religion and Philosophy
  • Cognitive Processes
  • Translation and Interpreting
  • Discourse Studies
  • Multimedia and Semiotics
  • Language and Music

A best paper prize will be awarded to one English paper and one Chinese paper.

Presentation Language:

Presentations can be conducted in English and Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese).

Abstract submission guidelines:

  • The abstract should not be more than 250 words in English or 300 words in Chinese.
  • The author(s) have to provide: (1) the title of the abstract/ paper; (2) full name(s); (3) author(s) department and institution; (4) Email address; (5) theme keywords. (the template in either English and Chinese could be found in detail below).
  • All Chinese abstracts should be translated in English.
  • The filename of the abstract must be “JPSS2019_Your Name(s).”

Full paper submission guidelines:

Full paper length should be less than 8000 words (including references) in either English and Chinese.

Key Dates:

Submission of abstract: Friday, 25thJanuary 2019.
Notification of acceptance: Monday, 11thMarch 2019.
Submission of full papers: Friday, 29thMarch 2019.
Registration deadline: Monday, 8th April, 2019 via the google form link that will accompany the acceptance letter.
Symposium and workshop: Friday, 26thApril 2019.
Best Paper Award announcement: Friday, 26thApril 2019.

Submission Information:

Individuals interested in this symposium should send their abstracts to jpsspolyu2019@gmail.comby Friday, 25thJanuary 2019, using the Abstract Template attached. All abstracts will undergo peer review.

Registrationfor the event is free.


語言、文化和認知——聯合研究生研討會(JPSS 2019)






  • 文化研究
  • 歷史
  • 文學
  • 宗教與哲學
  • 認知歷程
  • 翻譯與闡釋
  • 話語研究
  • 多媒體與符號學
  • 語言與音樂
  • 最佳論文獎將會授予一篇英文論文與一篇中文論文。




  • 英文摘要不能超過250個詞,中文摘要不可超過300字。
  • 作者(們)需要提供:(1)摘要或論文的題目;(2)作者(們)的全名;(3)作者(們)所屬的機構與部門;(4)郵件聯繫地址;(5)論文主題關鍵詞。(中英文摘要的模板已經附屬在下)。
  • 若遞交中文摘要,需要附上該摘要的英文翻譯。
  • 摘要文件的命名必須以“JPSS2019_作者(們)的名字”。













Posted by Amber Xu <>

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