Cross-Currents no. 28

New China-Related Content: Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review (September 2018 online issue):


Special issue: “Writing Revolution Across Northeast Asia”
(guest edited by Steven S. Lee, UC Berkeley)

Introduction to “Writing Revolution Across Northeast Asia”
Steven S. Lee, University of California, Berkeley

Rethinking World Literature through the Relations between Russian and East Asian Literatures
Heekyoung Cho, University of Washington

Boris Pilniak and Sergei Tretiakov as Soviet Envoys to China and Japan and Forgers of New, Post-Imperial Narratives (1924–1926)
Katerina Clark, Yale University

Afterword: Mapping Socialism Across Eurasia

Edward Tyerman, University of California, Berkeley

Review Essays

The Sociality and Politics of Information as History
Tong Lam, University of Toronto
Terrence Jackson. Network of Knowledge: Western Science and the Tokugawa Information Revolution (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2016).
Seth Jacobowitz. Writing Technology in Meiji Japan: A Media History of Modern Japanese Literature and Visual Culture (Harvard University Press, 2016).
Thomas S. Mullaney. The Chinese Typewriter: A History (MIT Press, 2017).

Borderland and Farmland: Two New Studies of Manchuria
Matthew W. Mosca, University of Washington
Shuang Chen. State-Sponsored Inequality: The Banner System and Social Stratification in Northeast China (Stanford University Press, 2017).
Seonmin Kim. Ginseng and Borderland:Territorial Boundaries and Political Relations Between Qing China and Chosŏn Korea, 1636-1912 (University of California Press, 2017).

Photo Essay

The Relics of Empire: Resource Extraction and the Making of Modern Xinjiang
Judd C. Kinzley, University of Wisconsin, Madison

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Keila Diehl, Ph.D. Managing Editor Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review

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