The spring 2018 issue of the Trans Asia Photography Review is now available at You may need to refresh your browser to see the new contents. Addressing the theme of “Voyages”, this issue features the following articles and book reviews:
Book Reviews
Wu Yao, Review of Tong Bingxue, History of Photo Studios in China, 1859–1956 中国照相馆史
Carlos Quijon, Jr., Review of Zhuang Wubin, Photography in Southeast Asia: A Survey
Articles/Curatorial Projects
Qiuzi Guo, The Odyssey of an Amateur Chinese Photographer: Nostalgia, War, and Exile in the Work of Jin Shisheng
Jean Loh, Blood Wood
Juliane Noth, Landscape Photography, Infrastructure, and Armed Conflict in a Chinese Travel Anthology from 1935: The Case of Dongnan Lansheng
Shota T. Ogawa, Rerouting the Modernist Visions of Horino Masao: Territorial Photography, Mass Amateurism, and Imperial Tourism
Abby Robinson, Thuma
Alan Teller and Jerri Zbiral, Following the Box: Exploring an Archive of Anonymous Photographs from India
Please take a look, and spread the word to your networks!
All the best,
Sandra Matthews, Editor