长篇 // Changpian // Longform
Welcome to the 25th edition of Changpian, a selection of feature and opinion writing in Chinese. Changpian includes any nonfiction writing, from stories and investigations to interviews and blog posts, that I found worth my time — and that you might like as well. It aims to be relevant to an understanding of Chinese society today, covering topics in and outside the news cycle. The selection is put together by me, Tabitha Speelman, a Dutch researcher of Chinese politics. Feedback is very welcome (tabitha.speelman@gmail.com or @tabithaspeelman). Back issues can be found here.
Welcome to another issue of this extremely unreliable newsletter. There might be more Changpian in 2023 (if you still wish to receive it), but this 25th edition was motivated by a dose of nostalgia. Breaking with my tendency to read either ‘everything or nothing’, it mostly includes some recent reads. For now, a happy 兔年! I very much hope the recent waves of the pandemic have not hit you and your loved ones too hard. (Since I have been dealing with long Covid these past years, on the off-chance it is needed, these books, or this review if you just want the research, might be helpful on longer-term symptoms. Feel free to contact me on this too.)
干货// Ganhuo // Dry Goods
In this section I highlight any (loose) themes that stood out in my recent reading.
Following events from faraway Europe, it seemed that as the extreme uncertainty and stress around China’s pandemic measures built up, so did a collective sense of living through something extraordinarily hard that should be remembered. From the Xi’an lockdown in early 2022, written about critically by the writer Jiang Xue when public opinion was still more divided on the measures, to the protests across cities and campuses in November, I saw more people expressing anger and frustration but also writing long messages recording what they had gone through. As one journalist in my timeline wrote on November 18, sharing an article on ‘养码’ or the practice of traveling to a low-risk area to regain a green health code that would (hopefully) allow you to go where you actually needed to be : “记录记录记录,就是不要忘记啊.”
One journalist whose work I kept saving was 李颖迪, whose features for Esquire magazine bridge rural and urban perspectives, including government voices. Reporting across China in spite of lockdown risks, she writes about southern villages, in which getting villagers to scan health codes became yet another task on local leaders’ growing to-do list, five months in the life of a neighborhood 网格员, whose workload exploded and who started playing an outsized role in daily life, but also about young people reflecting on the meaning of public life in Chengdu, which until last fall maintained a higher level of normalcy. (However, by late September, as editor Xie Ding wrote in a note above the story, “没有一个地方有能力嘲笑另一个地方”.)
Some other accounts that stuck with me, in what is inevitably a very selective and incomplete list: stories of collective quarantining and intergenerational neighborhood interaction during the Shanghai lockdown; 谷雨 on small-town healthcare workers, unable to outsource any of their Covid-19 testing; a three-month attempt to go home; a long-read on Italian migrant Ale, titled ‘世界分裂了,你为什么留在中国?’; CASS researcher Sun Ping on how Covid changed the 送外卖 labor market; the 不明白 podcast on the Sitong bridge protest; media researcher Fang Kecheng’s detailed overview of the Omicron wave and reopening in 2022 Hong Kong; a vocabulary list of 246 pandemic control terms, organized by category (‘我们是一个极富语言创造力的民族’); an interview with Elizabeth Perry, Joseph Fewsmith and Timothy Cheek on China’s pandemic politics; an insightful analysis of the November protests as ‘三个运动’; a Han protester reflecting on interethnic solidarity; NGOCN writing about arrested protesters and their parents; ‘放开后想做的第一件事’; elderly home administrators on combatting the Omicron wave without time to prepare; US-based literature professer Jiwei Xiao on losing her mother in China’s Omicron wave (in English); interviews with 7 Chinese citizens on how they got through 2022 financially; and, finally, 5 Initium journalists on being back home for new year after 3 years.
其他好故事 // Gushi // More stories
Some other interesting stories.
- 乌克兰行记:“我们是欧洲最好的国家”,“我们是欧洲最差的国家” — 端传媒 – Chinese journalist A Qi writes about two Ukrainian fixers, in an empathetic portrait that lays out a diversity of Ukrainian discourses. (See also their piece on Lviv Chinese tea culture, which unlike this story appeared inside the firewall.)
M和他的朋友们属于和新经济同时成长的乌克兰“Z世代”,也是受益于IT产业的一代人…只不过,和创办IT公司并且不少移民国外的上一代乌克兰精英相比,M在内的这批Z世代年轻人更有民族主义情怀。他们的成长和乌克兰政治与社会的急剧变迁恰恰同步。2014年广场革命发生时,他们中的大多数还只是中学生,并未切身涉足基辅市中心的独立广场。但随着警察开始镇压示威者,“全班同学都变得义愤填膺,想去基辅参加运动。”虽然大多数人都被父母拦住了,但广场革命和随后俄军进占克里米亚成为了M这一代人的政治启蒙。他从此被乌克兰民族主义右翼组织“国家军团”(Natsionalnyi Korpus)所吸引,一度参与过他们的基层活动。
- 成为女性主义者,有什么用?— 正面链接 – A sometimes painfully honest essay by gender studies researcher 刘亦瓦 on her journey of applying feminist values in marriage and parenting. In its sharp observations of the main characters (the author, her partner, and her parents) and their wider context, it had me reflecting on their choices long after I finished reading. (See also this recent conversation between two feminist mothers.)
- 照护父亲九年,我离世界越来越远 – 人物 – A Taiwanese literature professor quits his job to become his father’s full-time caretaker. A thoughtful, detailed account of his experience, shared in the same week that news of China’s shrinking population came out.
- 共情被忽视的人群是理解身份政治的出发点 – 北京大学社会学系 – Peking University sociology students interview sociologist Zhang Zhe about his class on identity politics, nationalism and other themes. Clear analysis of key social issues and the ways they affect classrooms worldwide.
- 波兰女性在经历什么?— 三明治 – I really loved this eloquent story by 邹思聪, in which he writes about three Polish women, while also going deep on Polish politics and history. Very long and/but warmly recommended.
- ‘润学潮’下最危险的逃难路径:穿越巴拿马丛林的中国人 – 报道者 – Taiwanese reporter 陈映妤 tells the story of Chinese migrants’ journey through Central America on their way to the United States, a hazardous route that became more popular during the pandemic.
- 建筑人转行,抛下曾经心动的offer — 极昼工作室 – Personal career stories of people working in China’s architecture sector, known for its high intensity but now affected by the property market downturn.
- 爱沙尼亚的中国“数字居民”:通往新身份之路 – 端传媒 – An award-winning feature by data journalist Zhou Youyou on Chinese interest in Estonia’s ‘digital citizenship’ policy.
- 戴锦华:我的电影年度观察(1)— 幕味儿 – Good, personal interview with film scholar Dai Jinhua, discussing the reception of films like “现象级作品” Return to Dust (which has also been playing in cinemas outside China). See here for the rest of the conversation.
- 京骂、摇滚和夜生活:从老工体到新工体 – 界面文化 – Not having been in Beijing since 2020, I was not aware that 工体 has been under construction for the past two years. But now it’s almost reopening. A nice overview of the cultural significance of the venue and its surroundings. (Speaking of BJ cultural life and national imaginaries, I’ve heard good things about this exhibition of Dutch photography, currently on view in Caochangdi.)
旧文// Jiuwen // Classic:
A piece of nonfiction writing that seems worth a read months, years or decades after its initial publication.
中国民间抗郁18年 – 谷雨实验室 – A 2018 narrative essay by author and editor 张进 introducing key figures in China’s social movement for raising public awareness of and helping those suffering from depression and other mental illness. Zhang, who passed away from cancer last December, spent most of his career in journalism as an editor at Caixin, leaving in 2017 to report and write the final book of his non-fiction ‘渡过’ trilogy on the subject. See also the preface Zhang wrote to a new edition of his books last year, published on the ‘渡过’ Wechat public account, in which he summarizes his “upward spiral of learning” the subject of depression (“肯定、否定、否定之否定……”), and this overview of all his writing.