Arizona State grad conference 2023–cfp

Margins and Peripheries in East Asian Cultures–Call for Papers
Arizona State University East Asian Studies Graduate Student Conference
January 13-14, 2023

Margins and peripheries in East Asian cultures have long been an underlying motif downplayed by conventional social and cultural discourses. While the concepts of margins and peripheries are often perceived in terms of geography, their extended denotations are ubiquitous in social, economic, cultural, and political contexts.

In the 2022-23 ASU East Asian Studies Graduate Student Conference, we encourage innovative ways of conceptualizing East Asian margins and peripheries through history, whether they are defined by political borders, religious and cultural identities, gender and sexuality, ethnicity, social class, technology, life cycle, generative energy, porousness, among others. The keynote speakers are Prof. Kang Xiaofei (Associate Professor of Chinese at the George Washington University) and Prof. Oh Young Kyun (Associate Professor of Chinese at the School of International Letters and Cultures at Arizona State University). We invite papers from humanistic fields that address these issues through such perspectives included but not limited to ethical studies, feminism, critical race theories, social studies, linguistics, selfhood, textual editorial intent and transmission, diasporic identities, and comparative studies. In the spirit of inclusivity, we also welcome any interpretations of margins and peripheries. Travel awards maybe available to graduate student presenters.

Graduate student presenters will receive feedback from their panel’s respondents, who will read and comment on the papers. Each presenter will have 20 minutes to present their work, followed by a 20-minute response for the papers presented in the panel and a Q&A session. Each panel will consist of three papers. The conference itself will take place over two days.

For those interested in participating, please submit an abstract (max. 250 words) by

Oct. 17, 2022. Please state your intention to apply for a travel award along with abstract submission. Successful applicants will be notified on Nov. 2, 2022.

Please direct any questions as well as submissions to the conference organizers from the East Asian Studies Graduate Student Association (EASGrad):

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Facebook: East Asian Studies Graduate Students Association, Arizona State University
Twitter: ASU East Asian Studies Graduate Students Assoc @AEasgrad

Francesco Papani

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