NCCU position in Taiwanese Literature

Faculty Position-Taiwanese Literature, NCCU
August 8, 2022

The Graduate Institute of Taiwanese Literature, National Chengchi University, invites applications for a tenure-track position at all ranks beginning in February, 2023.

  • Positions available: One.
  • The successful applicant will be expected to begin employment on February 1, 2023.
  • Applicants should meet either of the qualifications: (1) as a holder of a Ph.D. degree, (2) as an assistant professor or a more advanced scholar.
  • Specializations: Fields related to Taiwanese Literature.
  • Required Application Documents (for checklist, please see attachment 2)

(1) Curriculum vitae (attachment 1, please save this document in word (*.doc) and email to, email subject: application form for a teaching job [name ○○○])

(2) Copies of diplomas (verified by the Taiwan Representative Office). If you will graduate in June, 2022, the copies of diplomas should be delivered before your interview.

(3) Graduate transcripts (verified by the Taiwan Representative Office)

(4) If you are already hired as a college teacher in Taiwan, please send a copy of the teacher’s certificate issued by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C. or an employment letter

(5) Three copies of the applicant’s doctoral dissertation and 3,000 words abstract in Chinese.

(6) Three copies of the list of scholarly publications

(7) Three copies of related scholarly publications (from September 19, 2017 to September 18, 2022)

(8) Teaching experience and materials (courses taught and syllabi)

(9) Tentative Course syllabi (3-4 courses) for the Graduate Institute of Taiwanese Literature.

Deadline: All application materials must be postmarked no later than September 19, 2022

Graduate Institute of Taiwanese Literature, National Chengchi University
No. 64, Sec. 2, ZhiNan Rd., Wenshan District, Taipei City 11605, Taiwan.

(Please note on the envelope: application for a teaching job)

Qualified candidates will be invited to attend an interview and will be requested to provide a teaching demonstration. Candidates should pay your travel expenses. For further information, please find the link below or contact Ms. Wu, Huiling +886-2-29387267 or email to

Posted by: Pei Jean Chen

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