The newest issue of Comparative Literature & World Literature (CLWL), a peer-reviewed, full-text academic journal in the field of comparative literature and world literature, is available for download at the following link. It’s a special issue on Chinese science fiction:
Here is the table of contents with individual download links:
- “Subaltern” No More: of What Does Chinese Science Fiction Speak? Nathaniel Isaacson (North Carolina State University)
- Envisioning the Flying Woman: Technology, Space, and Body in China’s Print Culture (1911-1937) Rui Kunze (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)
- Reimagining China’s Colonial Encounters: Hybridity in Stephen Fung’s Tai Chi Zero and R.F. Kuang’s The Poppy War Trilogy Cara Healey (Wabash College)
- Trains, Technology and National Affect in Socialist-Realist Cinema 1949-1965 Nathaniel Isaacson (North Carolina State University)
- “Electrical Dragon” and “Hollow Men”: Counter-narratives of Modernity in Han Song’s Subway Mengtian Sun (City University of Macau)
- Machine Ensemble, Mobility, and Immobility in Two Chinese Railway SF Narratives Hua Li (Montana State University)
Please spread the word about the journal and consider submitting your work for consideration. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.
Liang Luo
CL&WL Editorial Board Member