Contemporary China Centre events

New Perspectives and Community Voices on British Chinese Heritage
University of Westminster | Difference Festival 2021
Contemporary China Centre
Tuesday 23 February 15:00-16:30

New perspectives and community voices on British Chinese heritage: an afternoon in London’s Chinatown…/new-perspectives-and…

Experience multiple layers of meaning of London’s Chinatown with an introduction to the heritage practice of diasporic Chinese in Europe and around the world, a primer on London’s two Chinese communities and how they developed into Soho’s Chinatown, and hear of heritage and community projects underway to support the area while it’s under significant pandemic pressure. Join academic, practitioner and community voices, organised jointly by China Exchange and HOMELandS, to “visit” the area and hear new perspectives on the ways in which this iconic area of the Capital is fighting for survival and for its heritage to be recorded and recognised.

The event will be facilitated by Cangbai Wang (humanities, University of Westminster) with Giulio Verdini (Architecture and City, University of Westminster), Freya Aitken-Turff (China Exchange) and Xiao Ma (doctoral researcher, Humanities)

Once you book your ticket, the link to the event will be sent closer to the date.

Sinophone Creative Responses to Covid-19 Racisms and Xenophobia
University of Westminster | Difference Festival 2021
Contemporary China Centre
Wednesday, 24 February, 17:00-18:30: This event explores Sinophone responses to Covid-19 racisms and xenophobia through a combination of talks and a tour of a digital zine.…/sinophone-creative…

For Chinese-speaking communities in the UK and elsewhere, Covid-19 has witnessed a steep rise in racism and xenophobia. Alongside efforts to combat Covid-19 related racism and support those who have experienced discrimination, Chinese-speaking communities have produced and circulated Chinese-language materials about the virus through various creative means and media to foster new forms of understanding about their respective communities to broader audiences.

This event will explore Sinophone creative responses to Covid-19 racisms and xenophobia through a combination of short talks and a guided tour of a new digital zine that we have produced on these issues. As part of a larger research project made up of two previous roundtables and a series of smaller creative workshops on racialised discourses and responses to Covid-19, we will focus on how different Chinese language communities across the UK have framed—linguistically and artistically—the experience and management of Covid-19. In doing so, we aim to creatively intervene in the racist and xenophobic projections of ‘the Chinese’ that circulate in mainstream media, and to highlight the richness of Chinese languages and cultures in a context where ‘the Chinese’ in Britain are either associated with stereotypical images or discourses about the People’s Republic of China.

The event will be facilitated by Dr Séagh Kehoe with Prof. Gerda Wielander, Dr How Wee Ng, Dr Denise Kwan From the School of Humanities, University of Westminster.

Once you book your ticket, the link to the event will be sent closer to the date.

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