Taiwan Lit
January 23, 2021
Dear Friends,
We are happy to present the first two issues of Taiwan Lit (1.1 & 1.2). Established in the summer of 2020, Taiwan Lit aims to build a critical transnational forum, disseminate research ideas, and facilitate innovative modes for scholarly exchange on Taiwan literature and culture. The table-of-contents for both of the 2020 issues are attached below; together, they include six essays, four reviews, and two articles.
We want to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to our contributors.
One of this journal’s primary missions is to advocate a holistic view of Taiwan literary studies as a field constituted by scholars occupying different intellectual and aesthetic positions. These scholars’ methodological approaches and professional agendas are diverse and divergent, as found in any vibrant and thriving academic community. We are delighted that such productive plurality and dynamism are well captured in works that have appeared on our pages.
The forthcoming Spring 2021 issue of Taiwan Lit will begin with Kuei-fen Chiu’s perceptive piece on millennial Taiwanese writers and interviews of Taiwanese poets conducted by Colin Bramwell and Wen-chi Li. It will also feature a special-topic section comprising state-of-the-field essays that examine various ways Taiwan literary studies has taken root in Taiwan as a viable social institution incorporating multiple perspectives. Our special thanks to Yun-Hung Lin for undertaking the hefty task of guest-editing this section!
Moving forward, we continue to call for thoughtful reflections on emerging trends in Taiwan’s creative literary output and the shifting critical paradigms that have been steering scholarly practices in our field.
As always, we appreciate feedback and look forward to receiving your contribution or rejoinder submission. Thank you for the continued support ofTaiwan Lit.
Yours truly,
Taiwan Lit Editorial Team
我們很高興能在這裡向各位呈現 Taiwan Lit 第一卷的第一、二兩期。Taiwan Lit成立於 2020 年夏季,我們的目的在於「打造一個跨國界的學者論壇,傳播有價值的研究觀點,促進新型態的學術交流模式,以期進一步拓展台灣文學研究領域的創新潛能」。以下是兩期發表作品的目錄;共計有六篇文章,四篇評介,和兩篇長篇論文。
Taiwan Lit 主張將「台灣文學研究」理解為一個由不同知識位置和美學位置所構成的學術場域;佔據各種位置的研究者們所抱持的方法學信念和專業關懷不僅多樣,而且充滿分歧——這其實正是一個富有活力和發展潛能的文化領域所應有的樣態。我們感到欣慰的是,出現於 Taiwan Lit 扉頁中的作品充分展露了這種健康的多元特質和互動能量。
2021年 Taiwan Lit 春季號的開篇作品包括了邱貴芬透視千禧一代台灣作家作品的分析文章,和 Colin Bramwell 與利文祺合著的台灣詩人訪談錄。值得期待的還有一個專輯:邀請多位作者撰寫「現狀觀察」,從多重角度檢視「台灣文學研究」如何在地扎根,並且莖脈蔓延成為各種社會體制的可感元素。編務繁重,我們在此要向特約專輯主編林運鴻致上極深的謝意!
像往常一樣,我們歡迎您的意見與回饋,並期待收到來稿及對本刊已發表作品的回應。感謝您對 Taiwan Lit 的繼續支持。
Taiwan Lit 編輯小組 敬上
2021年1 月23日
Taiwan Lit 1.1
By Mu-Min Shih 石牧民
文學·藝術·政治 ——賈克·洪席耶的民主美學體系
By Xintong Lu 呂欣桐
Taiwan Lit 1.2
By Mao-shan Huang 黃茂善
The Narratable Self: Taiwan Literature and Watakushi Novels
By WenHsun Chang 張文薰
On Taiwan Literature Studies and Self-reflection
By Chia-rong Wu 吳家榮
Mainlander Writings in Taiwan Literature: Predicaments and Potential
By Phyllis Yu-ting Huang 黃鈺婷
Performing Emotions in Lyrical Essays
By Ming-Huei Wang 王敏慧
Review: A History of Taiwan Literature by Ye Shitao, Translated by Christopher Lupke
By Pei-yin Lin 林姵吟
本土人文知識如何重返左翼關懷: 評謝世宗《階級攸關:國族論述、性別政治與資本主義的文學再現》
By Yun-Hung Lin 林運鴻
Towards Postcritical Thinking in Literary Studies: The Limits of Critique by Rita Felski
By Jessica Ssu-chieh Fan 范思婕
Between Foreignization and Domestication: On the Four Translations of “The Last Hunter”
By Richard Rong-bin Chen 陳榮彬
By Dong-Han Wu 吳東翰