Source: Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (BAMPFA)
Due to popular demand, UC Berkeley’s online streaming of “We Have Boots” & “Raise the Umbrellas” — Evans Chan’s two companion films about Hong Kong’s pro-democratic movement between 2014-2019 — will be held over till January 5, 2021.
徇眾要求,陳耀成剖釋 2014-2019 年香港民主運動的兩部紀錄片 — 《我們有雨靴》及《撐傘》,由加州大學柏克萊分校人權中心及電影資料館的網上放映將延至 2021 年1 月 5 日
“Evans Chan did his best in his effort to picture an inflation of history happening right before our eyes, and to create an urgent and important documentary which “We Have Boots” certainly is.”
“Evan Chan’s powerful and comprehensive film puts us at the centre of these protests (a scary and chaotic place to be) and, moving forward to 2019, reminds us that Hong Kong’s battle for freedom and justice is far from over.
In addition to…powerful footage, We Have Boots also includes interviews with an impressive range of intellectuals, students, scholars, and artists – many of whom are facing imprisonment for their democratic activism.
It is incredible – and often very moving – to watch them wrangle with issues of personal safety and security while also remaining true to their passionate belief in democracy, in freedom of speech and in Hong Kong’s future.”
「這部全面,強而有力的電影把我們置身於抗爭之中…震撼的畫面之外,《我們有雨靴》訪問了不少人物,包括那些要面對牢獄之災的民運人士。而經常令人感動的是 —- 他們因面前自己的安穩,及他們對民主、言論自由、香港未來之信念,而產生的內心掙扎!」–
fwd by: Magnus Fiskesjö,