October 10-12, 2019, El Paso, Texas
Theme: Boundaries, Transnationalism and Cultural Flows
We welcome paper proposals that address a range of critical issues related to the broad theme of “Boundaries, Transnationalism and Cultural Flows” in modern and contemporary Chinese literature, film, and culture at the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (RMMLA) Annual Convention.
Topics may include but are not limited to:
- Genre in transnational contexts and cross-media adaptation
- The transnational production and reception of Chinese Literature
- Borders and border-crossing in Chinese literature and film
- Mobility, migration, and exile
- Sinophone literature and dialect writing
- Home, domesticity, and gender studies
- Fantasy, imagination, utopias, and dystopias
- Contested modernities in Chinese literature and film
- Cultural identity, politics, and transformation
- Public/private sphere and media space
- Media infrastructures and institutions
Please submit an abstract of no more than 250 words along with a short biography to rmmla2018@gmail.com by March 31, 2019.
Guo, Shaohua: sguo@carleton.edu
Li, Melody Yunzi: mli40@central.uh.edu
Mao, Peijie: maopeijie@hotmail.com